season 3 part 6:Snake

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Byakuya turns to walk away but he stops as he hears renji breath and try and get up

Byakuya:it's impressive your will to live but you should stay still renji

Renji:shut up I'm not done

Byakuya:you are stubborn renji you're like the monkey trying to capture the moon but no matter how much he struggles it's just the moons reflection he sees and so he sinks into the water ... Renji your sword could never hope to reach me.... So give up

Renji:I SAID SHUT UP I'm never going to stop im going to save Rukia I swore it

Byakuya:swore to who

Renji:to no one I just swore it... I swore it on my soul

Renji manages to get up and charge byakuya unfortunately byakuya stops him by stabbing multiple swords into him pinning renji to the ground as renji begins to shake losing even more blood

Renji:it hurts my throat burns... My eyes feel heavy.... I can't even breathe right... Damn ... I failed .......I really couldn't save her

Ichigo:not with that attitude renji .... Your just pathetic

Renji:that're right I am pathetic not done yet

Renji grabs hold of the blade that's stabbed into his hand crushing it as byakuya's eyes widen with shock as renji gets up and charges him his sword hits his chest before it crumbles as renji falls unconscious

Byakuya:.... Be proud renji... That time your sword managed to reach me

Byakuya takes off his scarf and covers Renji's bloody body with it before he turns and walks away leaving

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(A/n:wow I haven't done that in awhile

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(A/n:wow I haven't done that in awhile.... At least I think I haven't... Whatever back to the story)

Rukia is being taken to the execution stand by some guards as she leaves her cell gin is walking towards her

Rukia:gin ichimaru

Gin smiles at rukia his eyes still closed

Gin:such bad manners rukia you're supposed to address me as captain ichimaru what would your brother think

Rukia:I apologize captain ichimaru

Gin:relax I was only joking

Rukia:I have never liked this man shortly before I joined the thirteen court guard squads my brother became captain of squad 6 and this man gin became captain of squad 3 at about the same time not only that but I remember him chatting with my brother whenever they would happen to meet it didn't look like anything other then two captains exchanging pleasantries there was never anything of any substance said to a outsider it would seem like a normal conversation however it didn't seem like that to me from the first time I laid eyes on this man I broke out in a cold sweat all over my body my instincts screaming at me not to trust this man from his finger tips to his lips the slightest movements of his eyes as they would narrow and shift it reminded me of a snake and although he was speaking to my brother it felt as if he had his hands around my throat and he was ready to kill me I was frozen unable to even blink I've always hated this man it seems like he can find the smallest crack in a person and seep deep down into you like a venom that's the kind of fear he arouses I didn't have any reason for it but my instincts kept me on high alert whenever he was around and despite the many times we've spoken those feelings have never changed even now I feel that way about this man... I hate him

Gin:mm ya know that was pretty reckless of him

Rukia looks confused not sure what gin is talking about

Gin:renji I mean didn't you feel it he gained bankai and battled your brother he was coming to save you but your brother is a cold hearted one he killed him

Rukia's head snaps to the side

Rukia:that was renji I felt fighting but I didn't know who it was I knew my brother was there but it was renji.... Why renji

Gin:well he's not dead yet but if something doesn't happen he'll die

Rukia looks back at gin

Gin:I could save him you know and you to

Guard 1:WHAT!?


Rukia:what... What could he gain from this

Gin:I could take you right now get to renji save his life get to the Ryoka and get all of you out through the senkimon ....

Rukia:is he serious.... Why would he do that... Is he really willing to save us.....if he is then-

Rukia stops her thought process as gin begins walking towards her putting one of his hand on her head

Gin:you think I'm joking.... I am

Rukia's eyes widen her face a mixture between sadness and hate as gin walks off with a pleased smile as rukia let's out a scream

Rukia:damn it damn it damn it just for a minute I thought he was serious he managed to give me a small glimmer of hope only so he could take it away

Gin:the next time I see you rukia I'm so sorry to say but it will be when you die but do try to enjoy yourself before then

To be continued

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