Diamond Dust Rebellion part 7

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Orihime is walking around searching for Ichigo

Orihime:ok orihime you're looking for a long haired red eyed Ichigo who has one eye covered..... I wonder why he looks so different from our Ichigo...... I wonder what else is different .....


Chad is is looking for Ichigo checking spots that og Ichigo would hang out

Chad:I don't see him anywhere maybe his Karakura town is different from ours.... Or maybe he doesn't hang out in the same places as Ichigo


Uryu is up high searching

Uryu:I don't sense anything is he hiding his spirit energy that would mean that he had much better control then our Ichigo has I should probably avoid fighting him then if he has better control then it's possible that he's either had different training or he's been training longer then our Ichigo


Og ichigo is running around town looking around

Og ichigo:this is so freakin annoying I'm not seeing him anywhere


Rukia is walking around and searching

Rukia:I just realized I never alsed Ichigo how this other Ichigo fights is it different from our Ichigo I'm not sensing him so maybe be went to a place where I can't sense him.... Or maybe he's been trained if he's been trained I'll need to be extra careful.... Hopefully the other me has a good relationship with him so he might hear me out


Ichigo is in a library with sakuya both are reading the same book sitting close to each other a small red tint on sakuya's face sakuya glances at ichigo able to see both of his eyes with ok how he's sitting both of ichigo's eyes are focused on the book there's a small smile on his face he's enjoying it

Sakuya:that's good

Sakuya looks back to the book it's not a bad book in the end she's glad she decided to do this instead it's quite but it's a comfortable quite a least until they finish the book once they do sakuya says she'll put the book back getting up to do so then someone walks in and sees them


Ichigo makes no moves to look up but tatsuki walks over

Tatsuki:hey Ichigo how did you..... Grow out your hair oh you're not Ichigo sorry

Ichigo looks at tatsuki

Ichigo:no it's fine but I would be a bit more quite we are in a library after all

Tatsuki:oh right my bad

Tatsuki lowers her voice as sakuya comes back

Tatsuki:oh.... I'm probably interrupting something my bad again I'm sorry about this it's just you... Kinda look like a friend of mine

Ichigo:it's fine please don't worry about it

Tatsuki:right later

Tatsuki walks off as Ichigo stands up and looks to sakuya

Ichigo:so then where to next

Sakuya smiles of course Ichigo would want to continue to have of fun

Sakuya looks at Ichigo who is enjoying himself some would probably say he should focus on getting home but Ichigo probably knows that if he probably doesn't see a point in hunting down the Oin not we he knows it's going to show back up again anyway

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