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My senses were shocked awake as a bucket of ice water was dumped on me.

What the fuck Jose? Bro it's time to get up. You either have to make peace with it and move on with your life or you have to do something about it. You could have just woken me up you know. You stink bro. He was right. I haven't left this couch in 3 days, several rum bottles lying at my feet. My back hurt like hell. Give me you phone...I took the business card from the table where I have been staring at it for 3 days and just typed: ok, I pressed send.

I immediately received a response. I will pick you up in 45 minutes. Shit that was fast. I replied: I have one condition. Name it. You will answer any questions I have. Agreed. I started to pack...

The car stopped in front of the bar exactly 45 minutes later. The driver opened the door and I got in. I was surprised to see Pear in the car with me. "You're still here? Yes, I waited for you. It could have been a long wait. I had faith in you. Tine wouldn't love you as much as he does if you didn't have a kind heart. Always Wat this, Wat that...Pear did you know Wat...Pear you should have seen Wat...Wat, Wat, Wat...eeevery fucking day". She rolled her eyes. I almost smiled. Almost, I don't often laugh or smile anymore. The world has gone grey for me.

"Sir can I get you drink? Yes please, rum. Sir unfortunately we don't stock rum, we only stock Mr. Tines favourites. Fine, bring me anything. Yes Sir. Bastard didn't even bother to stock up on rum. Pear looked at me like she was reading my mind. Wat you do know he hates rum? I snorted then why did he always drink it? She raised her eyebrow at me like I was a child. Why do you think"?

Ok Pear, you said you would answer some questions. She took a sip of her whiskey. Yes, continue.

You mentioned Tines parents were shot. Did my family have them killed?

Your father shot Mork and Diane in front of Tine. Diane fell on top of Tine and he was temporarily forgotten about, he managed to escape.

They didn't go after him?

They did... but gave up soon after. They were a 3 day trek into deep jungle and thought he wouldn't survive. Loggers found him 5 days later on the brink of death. He barely survived. I once asked him what kept him going and he simply replied his mother and fathers faces. It was his driving force for 10 years.

How did he meet Bright?

Tine's uncle had connections to the Chinese mafia. He gave Tine intel on a restaurant that Bright used to frequent. Tine got a job as a waiter. Bright was obsessed the minute he saw him.

So Tine seduced him?

Excuse me? Have you seen Tine? He doesn't need to seduce anyone. Bright had him kidnapped within a week and locked him in the mansion.

Is that where you met him?


How long was he there?

6 months.

So they were together for 6 months. I thought out loud.

No Wat they were never together. Your brother was a sadist. He beat and raped Tine several times. I lost count how many times Tine was in the hospital. I will never forget the first time I found was the worst out of them all...your brother wanted to teach him a proper lesson. I don't know how he manages to survive all these situations.

I saw a tear roll from her eye. She quickly regained her composure.

How did he get the scar?

Bright hit him across the face with a gun. He tried to get Tine to shoot a girl who betrayed them. Tine refused.

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