part 1

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Jungkookie pov
" hallo (y/n) " " hallo oppa " " what do you want to do today " " can we go play basketball at the park " "sure " jungkook got your hand and intertwined it with yours, while he gave you a cheesy smile you were used to. Me and (y/n) have been best friends since she moved next to my house...

"hi" "hallo " " I'm jungkook, Jeon jungkook, but you can call me kookie " " I'm (y/n) (l/n) (y/n) but you can call me (nickname) nice to meet you kookie " "nice to meet you (y/n) " "how old are you kookie " " five " holds up five fingers " ahh me too " " we should go to the park its right there " "okay let's go " "can we play basketball? " "can you be my jagi? " "what's that? " " I don't know but that's what daddy calls mommy " "well then I'll be your jagi, and you'll be my oppa " "sure " jungkook got your tiny hand and intertwined it with his own tiny hand and gave you a cheesy smile, that you have never seen before but it made you smile with him...

Ahh memories " kookie!!? What are thinking I just threw the ball at your stomach like ten times " " you did? How could you hurt me? " "NOO KOOKIE NOOO DONT CRYYYY " I love her cuteness " just kidding " " you bastard " " you still love me " " how can I not love my best friend " you scream as you tackle him down while rapping your self around him " your heavy " " wutt " " just kidding " " better " " what you say!!?!?!? " he screams as he fills your face with kisses , putting kisses in every part of your face living behind your lips " hey guys " jungkook stopped as he came to reality that you and him were in the middle of the court laying down with him on top of you kissing your whole face. " oh sorry sir " " neh it's okay I guess, you guys are a cute couple " with that you felt butterflies in your stomach and you don't want your jungkook to find out, and to leave your arms " what you talking about were just best friends " you said as you intertwined your hand with his " it dosent look like but whatever you say kiddo " " common kookie " you grabbed him and turned him around so you were facing his back " oppa can I have a piggy back ride? " " sure climb onto me " "gomawo " " anything for my jagi... Anything for my je chalaka chingu " " saranghae chingu " " nado saranghae "

Stay toon for second part
Please go check out my other book
Bts smuts and Imagine's
You can check it out in my works
Thankyou ~ Kim Kalla

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