part 9

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Jungkook POV

After the shower was over , you guys went to sleep in eachothers arms comfortable with no worries.

Later in the morning

"(Y/n) get up baby Jagiya jebal wake up , we need to leave " "fine fine , kookie take me to the restroom first please my body feels soar I don't know why " " yes yes I know in the website it also said you'll be feeling tired its normal" " aigo , I swear kookie your husband material " wait pause can you repeat that one more time . Did she just say I'm husband material ? Does she know what I'm going to do at the beach already ? Shit how she know ? Wait does she really know ? " ahh hajima , gomawo , know common "

Jungkook , slowly helped you stand up , after that you were able to walk normally , the only thing was you couldn't really stand up straight .

After you finished your business in the restroom , Jungkook immediately came with a beautiful pink summer dress . " I want to put it on for you " " um okay kookie " what I couldn't help my self she has a sexy body I need to touch it haha .

Jungkook slowly took off your shirt and your bra , then he went on to taking off your small shorts he put on just last night . Then slowly he put the dress over your head and letting it take over your body. It looked gorgeous on you . It wasn't something over the top , but it was fancy . You knew he must had bought this for you with out you knowing cause you never remember seeing this in your closet . All these things let you to think ' what is this guy up too ? '

Small update bye bye 김칼라,

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