part 3

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Your pov
Morning came along, and you woke up with no kookie next to you " OPPAAA WERE ARE YOU " " i-im over here (y/n) " you Heard the shakiness of his voice, " a-are you okay " "no, n-no " "what is it? , common you can tell me, I am your best friend " I wish I was more than that, I know God will listen to my prayers sooner or later, right? " I feel weird, my heart feels weird, I feel " Whispers and you can't hear him " I feel weird love, in me " " what oppa? I couldn't hear you " "nothing (y/n)? " "ne? " "can you please make breakfast maybe the emptiness in my heart... I mean stomach would go away like that " " umm okay oppa I'll come get you when it's ready " "Arraseo " I swear to God I heard him say love, and heart. Ugh I hope he knows that I love him, and he dosent leave to another girl sighs well gotta go make oppa and me breakfast

Jungkook pov
Why can't she see I love her? Ugh this is hurting me, I feel weird, I feel weird, like how can you say this? Weird love? My emotions are all just, WEIRD LOVE, well I guess. Ah, I'm gonna take a shower neither ways I always keep extra boxers here and she's seen me before just walking in boxers at my house, even tho she blushes alot smiles to him self to cute.
Jungkook enters the shower with his 'weird love emotions ' hes completely focused on his thinking that he dosent hear (y/n) open the door, calling for him saying that the pancakes she made were ready.

Your pov
I heard the shower running is that jungkook? I headed to the shower and opened the bathroom door a little and just as I thought he's taking a shower. I see his clean boxers sitting on the toilet, waiting for him to put them on, and the dirty ones laying on the floor. (y/n) slowly picks them up and puts them in the dirty laundry basket. Should I call him one more time, maybe know that I'm closer hell hear me. " JUNGKOOK OPPA BREAKFAST IS FREAKING READY I MADE PANCAKES... YOUR FAVORITE " jungkook didn't even flinch at the sound of your voice yelling through your whole apartment. All that was coming out of the shower was the sounds of the water hitting his body and the wall, and a small sound of humming to a tune. Thats all you heard.

You took a deep breath I can do this and slowly open the shower door, you stood there standing looking at every part of his body. Even the most wrong thoughts passed through your innocent mind, but not even with the loud squeak the door made he didn't turn around. He had his eyes closed washing his hair, and humming the tune. You took another deep breath after the sight and tapped his shoulder looking down. " o-ppa b-break-kfast i-is ready I made y-your f-favrote "

Stay tune for the next part - Kim Kalla

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