Coming Out

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"I'm gay..." The black hair boy looked down at his shorter big brother. "And this... is my boyfriend." He puffed out his chest and held a stern look on his face. He knew he may get kicked out for his attraction to other men, but he didn't care. He was sick of hiding who he was just because of his homophobic big brother

Said brother was looking at his precious baby brother, who he had raised alone ever since their parents had abandoned both of them. He never would have thought that his beloved baby brother would be one of THEM.

" You're gay? But how are you sure this isn't a phase?" He questioned. He prayed to the Lord that this was all some sort of sick joke

That his baby brother liked women, NOT men, that his baby brother was into tits instead of dicks. But judging from the hard look on his face, he realized that this was reality, and there was nothing he could do

It was silent, and the air was tense for a few moments before Mathew opened his mouth again, closing it when nothing came out. He had no idea how to react.

"Go to your room. I need to process this." He said eventually, rubbing his hands on his face before they gripped his jet-black hair with a large sight escaping his throat

"W-What? Y-youre not kicking me out?" His brother, Milo, asked with a shocked look on his face as he stared at the male in disbelief

"Honestly, I'm not sure yet. Just go to your room while I try to figure out what to do with you." Mathew stated honestly and sat on the couch in the living room, his head in his hands, and he heard Milo slowly start retrieving to his bedroom before he heard his door click shut

Mathew didn't know what to do, he adored his baby brother and didn't want to loose him, but didn't know if he could accept him as a queer, especially due to the trauma he faced because of gays. The thought of it just made him shiver in disgust and fear

He grabbed his phone, deciding it would be best to text the homophobic group chat he was in on advice on what to do, although only two of them were active right now which made sense, most of them would be busy working


Matt:Guys, I have some awful news

💖Avery💝: What is it?

🍒James: Is it your brother?

Matt: Yup. He's gay. And I don't know what to do😓

💖Avery💖: You're brother is a fag?! Ewww

🍒James: Damn dude, I'm so sorry to hear that

Matt: What did I do wrong?! Is he punishing me or something?

💖Avery💖: Maybe he's just confused or it's a prank?

🍒James: Yeah, what she said

Matt: I don't know....he brought home a boyfriend and everything....

Matt: What do I do?!

💖Avery💖: I say you disown him. If he wants to be a faggot and go to hell, let him

🍒James: Send him to reform camp. Maybe they'll be able to get the gay out of him🤷‍♂️

Matt: But he's the only family I have...what if he hates me when he comes back?

💖Avery💖: Let him. He'll eventually see it was for his own good

🍒James: I agree with Avery, you don't wanna be labeled as the guy with a faggot brother right? You'll be an outcast

Matt: I guess you're right....okay I'll send him to a reform camp. Thanks, guys. You're the best

💖Avery💖: No problem, anything for you

🍒James: Of course, good luck Matt

Matt: Thanks, talk to you guys later


Mathew stood up and took a deep breath. He was happy to have friends to give him such good advice, he slowly started to make his way to Milo's room, not making a sound as he was nervous and trying to think of what to say

As he slowly got closer to the door, he heard his brother's muffled voice speaking to what he assumed to be his brother's b-boyfriend.

God, he hated saying that it disgusted him to no ends, but he slowly put his ear on the door to listen to the conversation

------Imside the Room-----

"Honestly, that went so much better than I thought it would. I expected him to start yelling and telling me to pack my shit." Milo happily rambled to his boyfriend, Aiden

Aiden let out a giggle. "Told you so, don't you feel so much better?"

Milo let out a breathy sigh before nodding. "I'm just... I'm really happy. He knows about us, about ME. And instead of attacking you with slurs, he just sent us to my room

Aiden rolled his eyes and stood up, hugging his hyper boyfriend, "Techniqually he sent YOU to your room, I'm just here." He countered, teasing him and pecking his cheek

"Butttt, he didn't kick you out. He let you stay, and that might mean he accepts you." Milo countered and pecked his beloved boyfriend on the lips

Aiden smiled before answering him. "I suppose you're right."

Milo sighed happily. "Who knows, maybe he'll change his mindset because of me." He tossed himself onto his bed, staring up at his ceiling

Aiden joined him, cuddling into his chest. "Maybe he will."

The cute couple was silent for a few moments while Matthew was outside with tears streaming down his face. He quickly and quietly rushed to his room, laying face first on the bed. He definitely couldn't send Milo away now


"By the way, he is really cute. Is he single?" Aiden questioned, filling the silence with his naturally loud voice

"W-what? Babeeee." Milo looked as if he was gonna cry

"Not for me, silly! For MY brother, he's in a poly relationship, and they've been looking for another." Aiden stroked his head

"I mean, yeah, he's single, but he's not gay." Milo calmed down and leaned into the pets

"Who knows? He might be. Besides, he already knows my brother. They went to school together."

"Oh yeah?" Milo questioned with a smile on his face."What's his name?"

"It's Jamie."

--------Word Count: 1050---------

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