Meeting The Brother

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Aiden's POV

My boyfriend burst into the room, panting hard, and I almost fell out of the bed from how much he scared me before I looked at him, going to glare before I saw his red eyes and got worried

I rushed to him and held his face in my hands. "What happened?! Is your brother kicking you out?!" I rushed out and wanted to go punch his brother and make that face not so pretty for making my boyfriend cry

"No! He isn't! He wants to meet you!" My boyfriend rushed out, smiling the happiest smile I've ever seen on his face since we started dating 8 months ago

"He wants to talk to ME?" I asked, incredibly confused. Why would his brother want to talk to me? I expected him to come drag me by my ear and kick me out of his house

"Yeah! He accepts me! He accepts us!" Milo looked so happy, and it made my heart melt. He was always so scared about his brother finding out about us, but now that he's told his brother, he looks as if he's about to explode out of happiness

"Okay, let's go." I smiled at him and held his hand as he started to lead me to the living room where his brother was sitting. As if I haven't been here at least 30 times already and didn't know my way around

His brother, who I'm still shocked, isn't gay because his very cute and very feminine appearanc, and quickly exited out of the tab, making me a little suspicious

He stood up and smiled at us, but I could tell he was feeling a little awkward. Luckily, Milo, as always, knew exactly what to say

"Matt, this is my boyfriend, Aiden. Aiden, this is my awesome big brother Mathew, but everyone calls him Matt for short." He introduced both of us properly to each other unlike earlier when he first came out

Mathew held out his hand to me, offering a hand shake, which I gladly took. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Aiden. Sorry we couldn't properly meet earlier." He smiled at me as he shook my hand

"It's no problem, I completely understand. After all, we just kinda threw this on you." I joked. "So you're the brother Milo never shuts about, huh?"

He laughed and answered, "Really now? What did he tell you? All bad things, I assume?" He returned to joke, which made Milo pout before he spoke."I did not!" He whined a bit, making both of us laugh

"Anyways, yes, that's me, and you're the unlucky guy dating my baby brother. I'll pray for your sanity." That only made Milo's pout deepen

"Tell me about it." I playfully rolled my eyes."He's so annoying." Me and Matt continued to lightly tease Milo for a bit before we decided to stop

By now, we were all sitting on the couch, and that's when Matt started asking questions, not in a rude to judging way, though. And it made me realize that this guy who was famous in this town for being one of the most homophobic asshole ever was actually a nice guy and genuinely wanted to change for his brother. It warmed my heart when I realized how much he cared for him

The questions were pretty simple, they were things like 'how long have you guys been dating' or 'how did you meet' and my personal favorite 'who's top and who's bottom, I'll bet $50 my brothers the bottom.'

I wish I was recording so I could've shown my brother and his boyfriends, yes plural, Milo's reaction to that one. He looked both offended and embarrassed

The answer was even funnier. "Actually, Matt, I will have you know! That we are switches!" He answered in a taunting tone and smug face, which soon changed to slightly scared when he saw his brother's smirk

"That was a test. Didn't I tell you you're not allowed to have sex until you turn 18?" Matt pulled Milo's ear, which cause his to let out a string of ow over and over again

Meanwhile, I was just watching the two brothers interact, dying of laughter as I watched their close relationship with each other. It was obvious that they both loved and respected each other and were willing to do anything for each other

I'm so glad Jamie was able to convince both of us to come out and reveal our relationship to Matt. Everything was going well, and I have a feeling that I and him might be able to be good friends if he was like this

Eventually, it started getting late, and I had to get home, or else I might miss curfew and get in trouble with my parents. I was gonna go alone, but Matt insisted on letting me stay the night at their place and offered to talk to my parents

I happily agreed, and after everything was settled with my parents and he had their permission, he allowed me and Milo to sleep in the same room and bed as long we both promised to use protection if we were gonna fuck

Milo was a blushing and embarrassed mess and stuttered through his promise,
but I went through with mine easily. It was agreed that in the morning he would make us both breakfast and then drive us to my place since we wanted to tell my brother to good news together

That night was one of the best nights ever. My boyfriend got to tell his homophobic brother about us. His brother accepted us, and now we were cuddling in the same bed

I fell asleep with a smile on my face and in my boyfriends arms

The next morning, I had woken up to Matt gently shaking me awake and having me follow him to the kitchen where breakfast was made. I was still half asleep when he handed me 2 pans and then took 2 for himself,

We then slowly crept back to Milo's room, and when I realized what we were doing, I had the most evil smile on my face. He counted down from 3, and we started to bang the pots and pans as loud we could, startling Milo out of bed

When he saw us, he glared but eventually we all burst out laughing and me and Matt left to let him get ready as we sat at the table and waited for the piping hot food to cool down. He made French toast, cheesy eggs, sausage, and hashbrown

After breakfast, which was filled with joking and laughing, me and Milo got ready and got in Matt's car, where he inputted my address on his GPS and started to drive

When we got there, he got out of the car and kissed Milo on the forehead. It was apparently their way of saying goodbye. It was sweet. When he turned to me, he ruffled my hair and made sure we went inside the house before he started to get in the car again

However, my brother saw him outside and insisted I let him in so he could thank him for taking care of me, I quickly rushed outside to make sure the car didn't pull away

"What's the matter Aiden, did you forget something?" He asked, confused

"No, my brother wants to talk to you before you go." I explained, smiling at him

"I suppose I have an hour or two to kill. Although I'm sure it won't take that long. Okay, give me a second." He said after glancing at his watch. He looked in the rear view mirror and made sure he looked presentable before getting out of the car

When he finally got out, he followed me inside and to the kitchen where my brother was grabbing a glass of water

When their eyes met, the room froze, and they both tensed. It was silent for a few seconds, and I kept glancing back and forth the both of them, confused

Milo eventually joined us and was just as confused as me. As we both stared at our brothers, Milo sneezed, which caused them to snap out of their staring match before they both spoke at the same time



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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