Chapter 11

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It's Friday evening, K'ior and I just got back from the city. This is my fifth weekend picking her up. If you didn't know us you would've thought each time was her first time here.

"Who is this cutie?" One of the cheerleaders asked.

"My name is K'ior." She smiled.

"That's a pretty name. I didn't know you had a kid." The cheerleader teased.

"I don't." I shrugged grabbing the rest of K'iors bags.

"You're so blunt do you know how to hold a conversation?" She asked after sucking her teeth.

"Look I have a girl, can you bounce?" I asked politely.

"Chile uhn uh." She scoffed after walking away.

"Bub when will I meet your girlfriend?" K'ior asked once we made it into my dorm.

"One day, here put your stuff in that drawer." I instructed.

"Hey Princess!" Trey damn near squealed.

"Hey Trey! I'm with you guys this weekend!" K'ior screamed.

"I know I'm excited we have so much to do. I amma take you to this arcade." Trey explained.

"Nigga I wasn't invited?Ain't that bout a bitch." I scoffed.

"Nigga it's not always about you. Now look I can't hang right now yall I gotta study for this test Monday. I'll be back after a while." He announced.

"We'll be here." I shrugged.

"Right, bub I'm about to take a nap it's been a long day." K'ior sassed climbing into the empty bed on the other side of my room.

Every dorm has two bedrooms, a small kitchen, two bathrooms and two beds in each room. I made sure I didn't have another roommate. Trey and I are just fine. He's been my home boy since high school.

"Alright I'll wake you up before it's time to go." I reassured her.

"Okay." She sighed taking her glasses off.

You can tell everything that was going on was having an effect on K'ior. I just know once she grows up it'll all be worth it I swear. I'm not sure when my father will get out but I hope some how he can still show up and show out for her.


Three hours have passed and it was cutting close for our dinner reservations with Summer. I've never brought a girl around my mother or K'ior so I'm pretty excited to see how this will turn out.

"K'ior cmon y'oun wanna be late." I said lightly shaking her.

"I'm tired." She whined a little.

"I know but once we get in the car you can go back to sleep. I just need you to put your shoes and jacket on." I explained.

"Okay." She pouted.

After getting ourselves together I locked all of our doors and took her hand in mine.

"Bub your hands are big." She teased.

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