(My favorite song^) and Chapter 2

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yin went out of her class. it was now break. she walked out with Leo. they were talking to each other along the way. yin was maybe a lil bit worried. she didn't know why but her sixth sense was telling her that something would go wrong.

then she felt a splash of water soak her hair and her sweater. it was Jaxon! he'd just poured a glass of water on her.

"Hey acne girl. I thought you might like to wash your face!" he said laughing. there were people around him. they were snickering at her and teasing her. it was so embarrassing. she left Leo and ran away, not really looking where she was going. tears swelling up in her eyes.

Leo looked at Jaxon who was still laughing. anger was filling him up. yin didn't deserve such public humiliation, nobody did. especially not on their first day.

"You! he yelled grabbing Jaxon's collar. you stupid idiot. what right did you have to embarrass her like that, huh? what did she do to you? how'd you like it if I spilled water on you on your first day, huh? you disgust me." he let go of Jaxon's collar leaving Jaxon unable to respond and stormed off looking for yin.

yin kept running till she reached the rooftop. she sat on the floor near the edge and burst into silent sobs. everyone is going to make fun of me now.  I'll be teased everyday about this. what am I going to do? my sweater is wet and its cold. i don't even have any spare clothes. how can I go back there?

suddenly Leo walked up. he sat down next to her.

'Are they all still laughing with Jaxon about this?' she asked him wiping her tears away. 

' I don't know but I told him off. next time I see him I'll beat him to a pulp' he made a gesture with his hands.

yin smiled, ' thanks for that Leo. I wonder what I'm gonna do with these wet clothes.'

' I have a jacket. I can lend it to you.'

' Really? thanks'

' And wait, I have something to cheer you up.' Leo took off something shiny from his hand and gave it to yin. it was a golden bracelet.

'Is this for me?'

' Yeah, it's my lucky bracelet. my friend had given it to me but I think it'll make you feel better so you can have it.'

yin was speechless. Leo was so nice. and the bracelet was very pretty.

' don't you need it? I mean your friend gave it to you.'

' Nah, have it. it's yours now.'

'Thanks, Leo'

' you're welcome, now let's get down from here. breaks about to end. and don't worry about teasing, if anyone speaks bad, ill punch them in the face!'

yin beamed. ' Sure. let's go.'

They went down and, on the way, yin thought people would be looking at her but as soon as they laid a glance the wrong way, Leo gave them a disgusted look and they looked away.

(It ends here. < the chapter. not the story> I'm sorry that this chapter is super short, but I had about half an hour and my exams start in 2 days. I'll update as soon as there finished I swear but for now this is it. byeee~~~~~)

What the hell is happening (a Laxon and Yelissa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now