🪓yandere human collin x GN!reader

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Y/ns pov:
Its been 3 days since ive started living in this hell with yellow guy, red guy and duck guy so far i have been traumitized by a talking notebook girl that hates the colour green for some odd reason, a talking clock guy has almost killed me, and this weird blue dude with wings tried to make me and yellow guy join a love cult. Today is the 4th day i get out of bed and travel too the living room, i sit at the table the others are playing a board game so i join. Red guy picks up a card "what is the biggest thing in the world?" We all look confused yellow guy gives some suggestions but there all wrong "if only there was a way to learn more about the world" red guy speaks up and we all look at a earth globe and it spins revealing a face we were about to ask it but..."im a computer im a computery guy everything made out of buttons and wires i'd like to show ya inside my digital life inside my mind there is a digital mind" a computer dude with white hair appears out of nowhere and interups the globe "oh no not again" i start to get scared whats going to happen too me this time?. The computer guy introduces himself as collin and begins his singing, he starts asking a bunch of questions red guy gets angry and slams his hand on collins shoulder "DONT TOUCH MEEEE!" everything starts glitching we all end up in a digital world i look at my hands i look animated collin continues singing eventually showing 4 doors yellow guy goes to the first door "wow look a pie chart" duck guy goes to the second door"digital style" red guy goes to the third door collins behind it singing "doing digital dancing hey this is fun" i go to the 4th door its all black exept for some words writen in blood saying 'JOIN ME Y/N' i gasp so terified i dont even sing. Everyone elses singing gets faster while i just stare at the door, everything starts glitching again red guy dissapears duck guy and yellow guy fall onto the floor i just stare in horror. Collin approaches me with a smile on his face "follow me y/n" he holds his hand out I shake my head no and start running trying to find a exit so I can just leave this digital hell. "Oh so that's how you want to do this...ok i like a good chase" collin giggles running after me, wires start to grab onto me i scream pushing them off "leave me alone!" I shout at him "no you are MINE y/n!" He replies a wire grabs onto both of my legs making me fall over he wraps another wire around my arms pinning me to the ground "now are you going to follow me y/n?" I shake my head "NO I AM NEVER GOING TO FOLLOW YOU!" I shout at him again "oh my sweet y/n that was a bad idea to shout" he growls at me sending eletric down the wires slightly shocking me "i suggest you follow me before i make you~" he whispers "NEVER!" "Fine just remember this was your desision" he wraps wires tightly around my body picking me up and teliporting us to another room. He sits me down on a bed, i look around its an exact replica of my room but without a door or windows "h-how?" I ask "dont worry about it dear i just want you too be comfortable in your new home afterall...you will be staying here forever~" tears start to prick my eyes, collin leaves saying that he's going to find me some food as soon as he's gone i cry into my pillow "w-why does this have to happen to me".

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