The Mentor

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John was feeling more confident than ever as he approached the next challenge. He had never felt so sure of himself, and he knew he could take on anything the competition threw his way.

As he entered the room for the next challenge, he was surprised to find a man waiting for him. The man was tall and thin, with a sharp jawline and piercing blue eyes. He introduced himself as David, and John could tell he was no ordinary person.

"Welcome, John. I have been following your progress closely, and I must say, I am impressed," David said.

"Thank you," John replied, a bit taken aback by the compliment.

"I have been sent here to be your mentor. I will guide you through the rest of the competition and help you achieve your goals," David continued.

John was thrilled at the prospect of having a mentor. He had never had someone like that before, someone who believed in him and was willing to help him succeed.

Over the next few weeks, David pushed John harder than he had ever been pushed before. He was constantly challenging him to learn new skills and to think outside the box. And John was loving every minute of it.

One day, as they were working together on a particularly difficult problem, John turned to David and said, "Thank you for everything. I never would have made it this far without you."

David smiled and replied, "You have the potential to be one of the greatest programmers of all time, John. I am just here to help you realize that potential."

And with those words, John knew he had found a true mentor, someone who would guide him to success no matter what obstacles lay ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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