Best Friend's Brother (Butchy)

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Start your engines, everyone. It's time to see a friend.

You are arriving at the beach late at night, heading down past the boardwalks and clusters of kids in surf shorts. By the time you pull up outside the door of a beachfront restaurant familiar only through photographs, the stars have long since started to outshine the sun.

You've been driving for a while, but you don't mind the chance to have a road trip all to yourself. There might never be another mode of transportation half as fun as your motorcycle, although perhaps that's just the biker in you.

According to your good friend Lela, bikers are well received here, although your arrival does make something of a stir. You can feel curious eyes flocking to your bike, checking it for underinflated tires or grease marks or anything that could mark you as 'less than' in their eyes.

One of the bikers is even bold enough to approach you directly, holding up a hand as if to help you off your bike. You consider his unspoken offer, then jump off by yourself.

The boy appears undaunted, flashing you a chrome-bright grin. "Hey there, stranger. My name's Butchy, and I'd love to get yours."

You arch a brow, unbuckling your helmet and fastening it back on the handlebars of your bike. "Y/N."

The boy's smile deepens, if possible. "Y/N. I like that name."

"Thanks," you say, "I think."

You move to walk past him and into the restaurant, but the boy just follows you. "Say, if you're new here, I wouldn't mind showing you around."

You fix him with your best cool stare. "Are you like this with every girl you meet?"

Butchy winks. "Only the pretty ones."

You fight the urge to roll your eyes. "That sounds about right."

This time, you do manage to make it past Butchy and into Big Momma's. Instantly, you're enveloped in a wave of colors and noise. The place is warmly lit, and full of kids hanging around and talking. You see both surfers and bikers, which is a welcome surprise, all mingling throughout the restaurant.

More importantly, you see Lela. She's talking to some blond surfer who looks like he's been pulled out of a fairy tale or magazine cover, although she beams the second she notices you're here and instantly runs over to say hi.

"Y/N, I'm so glad you could make it!"

You're engulfed in a hug, and manage to choke out that you're glad to see her too around layers of pink ruffles and perfectly glossed hair.

Lela leans back, delighted. "Oh, I knew you would like it here. There are so many people I need you to meet. Seems like you already talked to my brother, though."

Confused, you follow her line of sight until it lands directly on Butchy. You pause for a moment to think this through, then gasp in something not entirely unlike horror.

"This guy is your brother?" You ask, eyes wide.

Butchy grins. "Try not to sound so disappointed, sweetheart. I've been told that we'll get along just fine."

You shoot him a dark look. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

Lela just smiles, either unaware of the preexisting tension or delighting in it. "Well, I'm glad you already have one friend, Y/N. Say, I hate to leave so early, but I need to go sing. It's very important to have the right mood in a place like Big Momma's, you know."

Before you can stop her, or perhaps beg her to take you with her, Lela swooshes off to the stage at the other side of the restaurant to begin a jazzy number.

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