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Hazel: Your worth is more than gold, baby
Frank: Girl, you make me turn into animal
Jason: When I'm around you, sparks fly
Piper: Babe, you're charming
Leo: Is it hot in here or is it just you?
Nico: You are drop dead gorgeous
Annabeth: According to recent studies, we should date
Percy: My name is Percy Jackson

Aphrodite: Have you fallen in love with the wrong person yet?
Leo: Unfortunately, Lady of Love, my one true love remains myself.
Aphrodite: At least you don't have to worry about rejection, Leo Valdez.
Leo: Not necessarily. I turn myself down occasionally, just to keep it interesting.

Okay I know that like half of the fandom is pissed over Leo's lack of character development and how he acted in BoO but I just noticed something.
Leo planned his death. He created his own death plan and went through with it. All the way. He didn't have to. Anyone from the Seven could have died at any time. It never specifically said Leo would die in the prophecy, just hinted at it.
Yet Leo was the one who died. He knew that he might not ever survive. But he went through with his plan and did nothing to prevent it. He sacrificed himself willingly.
That, added with how scarily accurate his death plan was, makes it seem like he wanted to die

Jason: Rules were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Leo: Uh, pinatas?
Piper: Glow sticks?
Leo: Karate boards!
Piper: Spaghetti, when you have a small pot.
Leo: And rules!

Frank: Why me?
Leo: Because people like you. You're quiet. You say "excuse me." You look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning.

"Hera: ur so ugly
Hephaestus: like mother like son
Everyone in the universe: OOOOOOOOOOOH"

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