The Self

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Ayo woke up once more, today of all days was different. The world had taken a new meaning in his eyes, all things gravitated towards him and he equally gravitated towards them. He had subjected all his emotion to the highest of observations and became one finally. Now, all that was left was for him to wait.

Mother came out once more and Ayo watched her telling his siblings the story of the brave huntsman, Oduduwa. Normally Oduduwa wasnt seen as a huntsman, no one else but Ayos mother viewed him as one. In reality, Oduduwa was one of the gods and the son of the almighty. He stole the items of creation which were rightfully given to the careless Obatala and seized the opportunity to create the human world as we now know it. But Mama Ayo was intrigued by his braveness and saw him more as a hunter, for seeing him go into the dark and brave new world in order to gain was the epitome of braveness to her.

Once more, Ayo found himself at the lake and not for the reason of fishing nor for any of his fathers tasks, he simply stayed there in order to wait. He did not know what he was waiting for, he simply knew he was waiting and his wait would reap the result of the universe, his consummation, the final precept of his short life.

Suddenly a flash of light appeared to Ayo just as it had done on that day during his childhood. Ayo did not however view the light with fear once more, he viewed it with pity and eyes of realization. He then said, Wa

The light came to him and Ayo was no more, there was only a prince of Milk who looked at a galaxy once more with benovelent eyes that did not try to feign understanding of those it looked upon but truly understood the human condition.

And with that gesture, the prince of milk had regained his self and the empty throne which sat empty for half a second and millions of years was once more filled and was whole just as the prince.


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