one ; mystery boy

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I sat in the forest, admiring every bit of it. Snuggled up in my blanket and journal I brought with me, I inhaled through my nose, the strong scent of nature filled my senses. I was so grateful that I had a nice home near here. Unlike other people, I find comfort in being alone, I find comfort in the darkness and the way the large oak trees over shadow me. It's just....peaceful.

I stood up and began walking around, I wasn't worried about getting lost though, I've been doing this ever since I was ten years old, I know this forest inside and out.

I occasionally hopped over large tree stumps and tried to avoid walking into the common spider web hanging from the branches. I listened to the oncoming cars from the road just outside the from here.

I needed to find my tree. Ok here's the story, ever since I was eleven, I would sit under this one tree and write in my journal, I could recognize this tree from all the others I really don't know why but I could.

It may seem weird but, you could say the forest has been there for me. I remember laying down on the ground and looking up towards the sky and counting how much stars I could see. It's been here during the toughest times, it's kinda like a friend to me.

I finally found the tree and gave it a small pat, just looking at made me a bit nostalgic. It was getting old and bigger every day but it was still as mighty as the first day I saw it. I finally sat down at the bottom of it and began writing.

"Journal Entry 01 :

Hello, Journal, it's me again. Lately I've been feeling like I'm trapped, I've been doing some thinking and I've realized my life has been so boring lately, same old things every..."

I was snapped my entry of by the near by sound of twigs snapping behind me. At first I ignored it because I thought it was just some birds or something but the noise became more frequent.

"Is someone there?" I called out but the only respond I got was the sound of my own echo. I tried to get back to my writing but the noise thwarted me from focusing.

I finally had a enough and decided to follow the noise. The more I walked the louder the snapping got so I knew it was close.

I grew nervous and nervous as a saw a shape in the distance moving, from far away it looked like some sort of bear but I knew it couldn't be, there wasn't bears in this forest.

I got to the source of the sound, it was a boy sprawled face down underneath a pile of twigs. He had short brown hair, had a young and boy like face and he appeared to be naked.

He was grabbing for the air like he was trying to get a hold of something but kept failing.

"No... No! I'm sorry I-I can't fight it, I didn't mean to!" He screamed in his sleep.

His body was thrashing and jerking harshly, I couldn't leave him like this, I needed to help him

"Someone! Someone help her! No, I didn't..." His voice broke slightly and I felt myself feeling worried for this stranger.

I tried to get closer to him so I could try to wake him up but every time I got close to him he would scream in his sleep.

"Sir, sir are you alright?" I yelled as loudly as I could to wake him up. I bent down towards him and he was breathing louder than ever.

"Sir!" I basically screamed in face and he jolted awake and seized my wrist, causing me to scream loudly.

"Let go! Let go of me!" I scream in his face, struggling to get out of his strong grip.

He seemed confused on how he got where he was, his breathing was unsteady and he was growling loudly. He sat up and looked around looking very panicked.

"Where am I?" He asked me in a shaky voice still holding my wrist, he looked slightly deranged with the dirt and his body and his scars and gashes on his chest.

"You're in The Oblivion Forest, I don't know how you got here I found you here and I-"

"The Oblivion Forest? That's in the town of Serene right?" He asks me and I nod vigorously.

He takes a breath of relief, rubs his face sheepishly with both of his hands, making his face get covered in dirt and finally releases my wrist.

I jump back on the floor and scoot as far away from him as possible rubbing my wrist.

"Christ! I'm naked!" He scrambled to cover himself and his cheeks went bright red.

"Here." I handed him my blanket I had wrapped around me and covered my eyes. He hesitated to take it at first but then took it, covering his upper half of his body but barely covering his....lower half.

"Thank you..." He said and I nodded trying to avoid looking down.

"How'd you even get here in the first place?" I asked him.

"I don't know... I was...drinking" He laughed nervously and I didn't smile back.

"That still doesn't explain how you're naked and screaming in your sleep." I cross my arms knowing that he was lying.

"Well I better get going, I don't want my family to get worried." He said dodging my answer.
I noticed his thick British accent in his voice that I didn't notice before.

"Wait! You're gonna walk home? Are you sure that's a good idea?" I said.

"Oh don't worry about that, Love. My house is in the forest." He said in an attempt to "reassure me."

"Yeah but, you're naked." I said stifling a giggle.

"Don't worry, I'll make it." He said without laughing making me feel bad for laughing in the first place.

He was about to start walking until he stopped in his tracks and turned to face me.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked him back suspiciously narrowing my eyes at him.

"Well, any other person would have left me here to face whatever would find me next or called the cops because I was naked in public, but you didn't... Why?"

"I don't know, I guess I'm not an asshole like other people." I shrugged and he smiled at me. "Now, your name?" He asked again.

"Orion. My name's Orion." I said shyly.

"Orion... Hmm. I like it." His eyes searched my face hungrily and gave me one last smile and then he turned on his heels and left.

"Wait! Wait, you didn't tell me your name!" I called after him but he continued walking. "Hey come back!" I tried to see where he went but I lost track of him.

I sighed and look at the beautiful forest and decided to head home. But this is the day I would remember forever, cause that was the day I met my mystery boy.

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