beanies and fluff

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Wilbur x child reader
TW: none just flUff

Wilbur's POV
I was sitting on the grass playing my guitar and looking at the sunset. After a couple minutes I heard a twig break. "Hello who's there?" There was a child there appeared out of the woods "oh hello child come sit down, I won't hurt you I promise" the child came towards and and sat down. I continued to play my guitar as they listened to it. As the sunset it became colder and colder. The child was shivering so I gave them my beanie and jacket "thank you sir....." Theu said quietly while looking down at the ground "your welcome" I played one more song before it was completely night. I look at the child and wonder 'do they have a home?'. I turn to them and gently shove their shoulder to get their attention "do you have a home to go to?" They shake their head and look down. I nod and think about bring them back to my place so that they could have a safe and warm place to stay before they go back home. "Well do you wanna head back with me so that you don't have to walk home at night?" They look up and nod before standing up quickly and stand there waiting for me patiently.

I chuckle and stand up grabbing my guitar. I offer my hand to them to take for the trip. They take it and we begin out walk back.

Y/ns POV
'this guy is really nice, but I don't know his name' I thought to myself. "Hey mister what's your name?" He looked down at me and chuckled again "Wilbur soot, what's your name?" He smiled and looked back down at me waiting for my answer "y/n", he nodded and kept walking. "That's a really nice name y/n" I smiled and looked up at him "thank you Wilbur" he nodded again and smiled before humming a song all the way back to his house. Once we got there we went inside and and he already had dinner on the table. He sat me down and gave me some so I can eat.
(Time skip)
After I ate it was around 9 and I started to get tired and Wilbur could see that "you tired y/n?" I nod and rub my eyes before looking up at him. He laughs a bit and picked me up before taking me to his room. He laid me down and sat down on the edge of the bed. He stroked my hair as he hummed a comforting song that eventually sent me to sleep.

Hello I hope you have had a good day.

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