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I wish that

Across your back

Was a zipper

And that I

Could just crawl in

Forever a part of you.

I'm suddenly shaken awake. I look to my side to find my girlfriend, Judy Presley, giggling to herself.

"Sleeping already? Class barely started!"

I quietly laughed, raising my head to look at her.

"I've been busy with football practice, I'm worried about the upcoming tournament. I've only just found out that Oliver broke his-"

"Hey, no worries!" Judy rubbed my back. "You can come over to my house today, so you can catch up on some sleep." She winked.

I laid my head back onto my crossed arms on the table. I wasn't in the mood for that today... Anyway, I ready myself to fall back into slumber, fully expecting to be hugged by sleep.

However, that idea was cut short when the teacher clapped his hands.

"Quiet down everyone, today we have a new student." This piqued my interest. "Marcus, come on in."

A tall, slender boy with long (and I mean hip-long) black hair came in. His hair covered half his face, with only the septum piercing and mouth left out in the open. I could tell he was a gothic-alt based on his clothes.

Judy cringed next to me. "What's with this guy? He's so ... depressed, looking." She chuckled, causing the teacher to look our way.

"Alright, Marcus, go sit at the desk table next to Judy. Judy, raise your hand, please."

Marcus sat at the nearby desk; there was something about him, I couldn't pinpoint. I realized I was staring too long when Judy elbowed me.

"Ow!" I whisper-yelled.

"SH! You two!" The teacher side-eyed us both before going back to teaching.

"What's with the staring?" She asked, suspiciously.

"Nothing just found him-"

"Weird, satanic, faggy-"

"JUDY! You can't say that!-"

"I've had it with you both! Since you both cannot stop being lovey-dovey with each other..." The teacher scanned around the room, "Judy switch with Marcus."

"But sir, I-" Judy argued, still blushing from the lovey-dovey accusation.

"No buts Judy, if you're going to be disrespectful in my class you're going to be punished. This isn't kindergarten anymore." He said, turning back to the blackboard.

I whispered a silent apology to her, but I'm not sure if she heard it.

She sighed before grabbing her stuff and standing up. She passed Marcus, silently glaring at him before sitting down. I'm sure she won't let me hear the end of it at lunch...

I looked back at Marcus, who was now organizing his binder and pencil case, occasionally looking up at the lesson. Now I could get a better look at him. His clothes consisted of only black and grey shades with ripped baggy jeans, platform boots, and a t-shirt with some rock band, I presume. He wore all kinds of chains, necklaces, earrings, and rings.

He was the complete polar opposite of Judy. She always put her light brown hair in a ponytail with a white bow, wore perfect matching season clothes, and had well-made makeup. I would be lying if I said she wasn't something but, Marcus, he was also something... Wait, why am I comparing them??

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