Chapter 8 ☠️

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⚠️ Non-Con touching (no rape) and gore description/death ⚠️



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I watched her body hit the pavement and how it scraped her face.

Was she dead?

I started to shake and backed away. My eyes trailed to her attacker, who made no movements.

"Omar...?" I stumbled back a few steps but managed to keep my balance.

"Holy fuck dude... what.... what have you done...?" I suppressed a scream.

He only stood there, gently caressing the head of the baseball bat. It was stained with glistening scarlet-coloured blood. Although his demeanour seemed calm, his hands were shaking. I felt the urge to comfort him, but I managed to bury that and let another emotion surface. Fear.

I opened my mouth but stopped when he opened his.

"You have to go." Omar's eyes left the bat and made eye contact with me.

"What!? Omar, please tell me what's going on-!"

My eyes went back to Vanessa's corps lying face down. How I was keeping my composure was beyond my knowledge.

"He'll catch you, anyway, he's just giving you a head start..." Omar was just rambling to himself at this point.

I stumbled on my words, trying to find more questions, but nothing came to mind. However, suddenly, the sky turned a deep red. The roads were silent and no birds sang. There was, on the other hand, a loud ticking noise. It echoed just like a grandfather clock and was coming from up above. Yet, when I looked up, nothing was there.

I looked back at Omar, who had bloodshot eyes.

"ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ ᴿᵘⁿ..." His voice was a combination of a whisper and an echo.

I didn't waste any more time and booked it for the streets. What the fuck was going on? This must be a dream... or a nightmare.

I ran through the streets, stopping to catch my breath only when I was at a safe distance from Omar. The ticking seems to be following me.

My eyes scan every corner and store, hoping I'd find somewhere... The Church! Of course, whatever ungodly shit is going on it wouldn't enter God's home... right?

I ran toward the church and didn't hesitate to open the doors. Thankfully, Father Pierre left it unlocked (which was weird on his part). I hastily pushed back all thoughts I had about this place, I had no idea when the clock would run out of time and I didn't want to be out in the open when it did.

I carefully closed the doors behind me. The church was dark without the lit candles. Thankfully, the stained-glass windows were emitting a red hue in certain parts, so I wasn't completely blind.

My eyes spotted the confessional, a big brown box meant to confess your sins. It was perfect to hide in! Hopefully, it could lock from the inside. I approached the confessional, and it smelled... oddly nice. As if someone had lit a bunch of scented candles in this area.

I opened it and... well... why am I still surprised?

Father Pierre's body was squeezed into the cramped confessional. His jaw was dislocated and barely hanging on, and his eyes were bulging out. A Febreze spray bottle was embedded into his left shoulder. The Febreze spray had a small cut in the middle and its liquid was all over the walls. It must have sprayed all over due to the pressure. Whatever remaining liquid was left was dripping down Father Pierre's body.

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