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It was already the next day, Friday, the best day of the week! Which also means one more day until Omar's party! I can't wait!

The first period went along swellingly, now for theatre.

I sat down at the desk, it was seated between Judy and Omar.

"You excited for tomorrow?" Omar leaned in, I nodded and smiled while taking the notes from my binder.

"There's going to be plenty of stuff to do! We'll serve chips, alcohol, fruits-"

"Wait alcohol? Aren't we too young to drink?" Judy leaned into our conversation.

"What's wrong with living a little?" Omar laughed, Judy looked at me concernedly.

"Hey, I won't even be going near the alcohol. You don't have to worry about me." I told her.

"If you don't want to drink alcohol, that's fine, we're going to have a punch bowl on the table too."

"I'm not worried about what I'll drink, I'm concerned about if we get busted! We're only 17-18, we have to be at least 19!" Judy exclaimed, keeping her voice down.

"Close enough, and it's highly unlikely that we'll get caught," Omar said.

This didn't reassure Judy.

"If you're so worried about it, maybe you shouldn't come." Judy tensed at Omar's words.

"I'll come..." Judy whispered.

Omar shrugged while Judy slumped into her seat. He opened his astrology book and continued reading. Oh! That reminds me!

"Omar, you like dark fantasy, right?" He looked at me giddily.

"Yessss?? Why? You interested in it?"

"No, but Marcus is. He's into dark fantasy!"

"Marcus? Marcus D Angelo?"

I nodded, suddenly remembering all the events that happened yesterday. I still want to be friends with him, though... if he starts to get out of hand, I'll have to put some distance between us.

I turned back to Omar. "Yes, Marcus."

Omar thought for a bit.

"Oh, heh, that's not surprising."

"How so?"

"He just seems like the type to be." Omar shot me a smile before turning back to his book.

Hmm, I guess he does seem like the type.

✧・゚: *✧・゚: 🔔🔔🔔:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Math is my second least favourite subject. Period.

Judy and I were walking together to our math class; she insisted on holding hands. We both stood at the doorway, examining the classroom in a way. Marcus was sitting at our table. Early as usual.

Judy kissed my cheek before skipping to her seat, she passed Marcus while slightly smirking at him. I scoffed, can't she just leave the poor guy alone?

I sat down next to him, noticing he was reading from a scrunched-up paper. I leaned in a bit.

It was a poem.

"You write poems?" He hid the paper under his stack of notes.

"Maybe" He didn't face my way, probably embarrassed.

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