Chapter 11 🌌

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⚠️ Gore!!💕⚠️

Though I am aware I am falling, I feel no wind blow in my face. It's almost as if there's no wind at all. As if I'm floating instead of falling. The only way I know I'm falling is because I'm getting closer and closer to a blue light.

And then, I slammed on the ground. I looked up, Omar's body was nowhere, as if it had evaporated.

In front of me was a large, light blue clock that gleamed.

Tick Tick

It sounded throughout the whole pocket dimension.

I got up, approached the clock and reached for it, but my hand fazed right through it. Suddenly, I hear a soft thump behind me. I look back to see Marcus, he's normal again.

"You've got quite a knack for getting away, should I cut off your arms and legs next rese-"

"What is this place?"

There's an awkward silence as Marcus stares.

"The in-between." He says.

"The clock ticks for as long as this timeline is alive. After it collapses, the clock stops. Then, I come here, apply my changes and the clock restarts." He continues.

I turn back toward the clock. "How long has it been going for?"

He looks at the clock. "This timeline? Roughly 36 hours."

"WHAT!? But I've been here for weeks!"

"Have you? On certain, more important days, time slows. On others, time skips itself. I like to keep a fast pace, I don't like to wait."

I stare in silence, and then I look away. "You said the clock stops after the timeline collapses... Why is it still going?"

"Because you're still alive, my dear. I misspoke, it stops after MY world 'collapses'." He smirks and I grimace.

"You said you come here to also 'apply changes'?" I tried to change the subject.

His smirk widens.

"Yes! Each of my timelines is different, and here is where I change 'em."

He turns around and looks into the void. He waved his hand and up came an interactive light blue panel with a bunch of codes written on it. I walk up next to him and stare up at the panel.

"Here," He pointed to the codes. "These codes make up a timeline. Everything is made up of code. Well... almost everything. Our matter isn't... we are... We. I can't change how one feels. Though, I did implant my own codes."

He waved his hand and suddenly, the green digits turned to a selected one. There, I saw pictures of... us. It looked like a game video where you select your character... He touched my photo, which opened to its own "code". Though it was less complex and the code was shorter.

The very first code caught my eye. Amongst the symbols, it was written: "Memory refresh: every reset."

I hummed. "How do you write each code?"

He grinned as a keyboard came up from the panel. "It's just like typing on a computer."

I looked down and then back up. "So, like this?"

I took the mouse, clicked on the 'memory code' bar and added the caret to the end of the code.

"Ah! Ah! Careful there, dear. You wouldn't want to erase anything important!" Marcus grabbed my hand and shoved me on the keyboard, moving the mouse away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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