ch 16

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richie let out a hard sigh and closed his front door after being sent home by ms. k. he walked to his room, exhausted and not wanting to be there.

he threw himself on his bed after locking his door and shoved his face into his pillow. richie let out a loud groan, and he brought his hands to the back of his head.

'losers,' is the only thing he could think, but he couldn't bring himself to move and grab his phone.

maggie entered the room after picking the lock silently, scaring richie half to death. he flinched up into a sitting position and backed up against the wall.

"oh my god, chill. jesus," maggie scoffed. richie let out a breath.

"you scared me shitless!"

"eh," she said and closed the door. richie stared at her in confusion as she crossed her arms. "soo."

"what do you want?" richie asked.

"who was the girl? why was she cryin?" maggie asked, leaning against the door frame. richie was just surprised maggie even cared.

"uhh," richie started, but felt his phone buzz. he glanced down, seeing a message from eddie that read, 'are you okay there?? please tell me you didn't go home'. richie smiled to himself. "that was a good friend of mine, bev. her dad.. did something."

"hm," maggie hummed. "something like wentworth and you?"

"no, maggie. i find it dumb that you just don't give two shits saying that. because it's awful how you two treat me, you know that?" richie argued.

"whaaaatever. what'd her dad do?"

"like.. i think.." richie mumbled. (IM SORRY I DIDNT WANNA TYPE IT EITHER.)

"oh, what?! where is she now?" maggie asked, actually concerned. richie looked at her sadly.

"probably bill's house. jeez, can't believe you care more about one of my friends you don't even know than me, your fucking abused kid," richie said selfishly. he didn't mean to be, he was only upset that maggie didn't even care to shove it in richie's face that wentworth abused him.

"that's because really just don't care for you. what, you don't see wentworth or i raping you, now do you?!" she yelled. richie gawked. he felt sick.

"get the fuck out of my room?!"

"it's not your room, kid."

"YES THE FUCK IT IS! now.. get out!"

"i can make sure it isn't. i can fucking make sure you don't have a house to live in."

"i don't care, maggie! get. the hell. OUT." richie glared at her for a moment and she rolled her eyes, throwing the door open, causing it to break off of the hinges.

"oh well!" richie's eyes were wide, seeing as she walked out of the room as the door fell to the ground.

"FUCK YOU!" he screamed, hoping she nor wentworth would come back and 'teach him a lesson.'

spoke too soon.

"RICHARD TOZIER?!" wentworth yelled.

"shit, shit, shit," richie mumbled. he grabbed his phone and went to answer eddie.

richierich: no plesde helcp hurry pwlsr

his hands were shaking and he sent the message, getting to his feet and running to the window.

"what the fuck did you just say?!" wentworth yelled, causing richie to jump up and scream. "where the hell do you think you're going?"

eddieml: what?? richie?
eddieml: richie answer me what the fuck is going on

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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