Chapter seven- Deal

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Chapter 7

He smiled back. "Good night, love!" 

Aaravos Pov

I smiled at her and tell her good night with a compliment. I am trying to make her in love with me.

But I can't believe that she forgot about me, even if I tried to tell her about our childhood. She thought that I was talking about someone else...anyway, that will be hard for me to make her trust me.

"Doctor (Y/N)!!! Help me!! My wife is about to die!!!" I heard someone screaming with the bug. "Sir Simon?!" (Y/N) said. 

He grabbed her hand and took her away, I know what is happening because the bug is still in her ear, she didn't put it away.

"You know that she is sick...Do you remember that day you gave her medicine?" Simon said.


"Will it didn't work, she is now asleep all day!"

"And why you didn't tell me all day?! Why you noticed that in the middle of the night??" (Y/N) said choked.

"I was at work! You know that I work in the mine. I knew that she didn't wake up all day because I saw her on the ground not responding to me!" he said.

(Y/N) sight and entered the house and approached the women. She start doing her check, but I had a good idea for her.

"Let me help you! I will use my magic!" I said.

She totally ignored me by continuing to check the women. I tried again. "There's no hope, her situation is serious, you need my magic!" and she ignored me again. I hope I didn't make her angry.

"I need to go and find the planet right now!" (Y/N) said by exiting the house and getting out the hours of the man.

"Let me come with you," the man said.

She gets on the hours and said. "No, it's my problem who didn't heal her correctly." and she goes.


I can't believe that I just failed to heal someone! I need to hurry up and get to Xaidia fast. 

"Let me make a portal to make it easy for you," the deep voice said.

I stopped and looked behind me. "Who's there?"

"You forgot my bug in your ear. It's me Aaravos," he said.

"Oh my god," and I continued with the hours as fast as possible.

I can't believe that it's happened again, I don't want someone else to die because of me.

"So let me help you" Aaravos add. Wait can he read my mind?! "I don't need your magic, it's because of magic that it excites wars."

"So you don't want to get there faster?" I stopped the hours and I get down. "Okay sir magic man, can you make me a portal please?" I said with a dramatic gesture.

"Why do you hate magic that-" I interrupted him. "Don't waste my time!" and then I felt his power inside my body, it makes me feel that I will blow up at any moment. But then he makes me teleport to Xaidia.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I am feeling my heart beating too fast, that was too much for me. I am not an elf anyway. I started searching in the dark for the plant. I need to find it fast or else Simon will be mad and no one will trust me again...

"Ahm- You need me more babe, you can't work alone," he said, but I ignored him completely. I don't want to be killed in the middle of the night in Xaidia by a bug! No, I am not trusting him.

"Ok, Now I am not asking you if you want my help." and then he just teleport me to the plant. It's the right one! But I am feeling that I will die. And another teleport back to the house...I fell on the floor. I moan in pain. 

Simon approached me and helped me to get up. "Are you okay?! Did get hurt by dragons or elves?!" he asked afraid. I start walking into the house and start making a new medicine with that plant. 

I hope that one will help, I opened the mouth of the woman and I makes her drink the medicine.

"Is she will be okay?!" Simon asked. I sight and looked at him. "I hope...we need to wait for tomorrow," I said insure for my medicine.

"I told you that you need me more than once" Aaravos talked, I ignored him, this stupid tried to kill me. "So, we will wait for tomorrow," Simon said. I nodded and told him to sleep well and that he need to stay with his wife all day tomorrow, so he can tell me about her situation tomorrow. He agreed and I finally goes to sleep.

The next day,

I opened my eyes to see Aaravos who is sleeping next to me!!! He is out of the mirror!!!

I jumped out of the bed screaming. "WT-" He tried to calm me with a smile on his face. He is enjoying annoying me! "Calm down, I am just a ghost of myself, I am not real, you can't touch me," he said with a smirk on his face.

"You jerk, I hate you so much," I said walking to my closet. I need to go to my work.

"Is it true?" he said. "True what?" I asked as I search for comfortable cloth.

"Is it true that you don't trust me anymore?" I gets out my clothes and I faced him. "What do you think?" He looked at me with a stupid cute face. I will kill myself one day because I hate to look at his stupid cute reaction.  He almost said something but I did before him"I need you to get out of my room" He nodded and gets out.

I hope he can't see throw walls cause he is a ghost. When I finished, someone knocked on my door. "Yes, get in"

It was Aaravos..." so you can touch stuff?" I asked.

He laughed, "wanna try to play with me?" he said with a smirk. I looked at him with a confused face. Is he real? I just don't like him around me, I am scared of him. But I like him at the same time.

I sight and walk away from him, of course, he is following me. "Can you get me out of the mirror, I promise to make you the queen of Xaidia." I smiled for a second, but I just remember the stupid stuff of yesterday. I faced him. "I don't need your love, I don't need you around me either! I just want to live until I die. We can do nothing, this world use to be in wars!" I walked away.

Aaravos laughed and faced me. "I have a way to bring peace to this way, I am the hope, I had a plan but everyone doesn't trust me, even you, the woman of my life, I love you with all my heart, and I will wait for you to make a right decision to save my life or else..." 

"Or else what? Do you think that I am scared? I don't care about your little actions towards me" I said ignoring his face.

"We making a deal, you just choose the wrong one I am telling you" and he despaired. I can't see him or hear him.

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