yrou name is akruat adn i are gay. you have a crush on dave-ekun but you will nrover admti it becaus4 u rae a trusnered??????
your eame is dv ae striver. yrou arge also gay??????????? buy youw ill nevr admit iet becuase a boy liking a boey is WRONG???? yoe wwere taught aght by your rbother dirk.er he is rtotally heterosexual and eonly kises his bestie jake ironacally and straigjtely. jsut as bros. youe ahve a crush on kakrta i means now you dont ebvause yaoi is GROSOS!!!!!!!!!!!
whit will happen O.O ?!??!?!?!??!/
davekat fanfcoyion (cool) (epic) (sexyx)
Fanfictiondave yrder and karyat vats gay avdentures