Chapter one: Nahida's fate

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'W-where am I?' Nahida thought as she vaguely made out figures, everything was blurry, and hard to she. 'I hope wanderer isn't worried, he's been fussing over me for a week.

Nahida looked around her surroundings, 'This... doesn't look like Teyvat whatsoever...' She could now make out a few figures. 'Am I in a hospital?' She looked around for more clues before she heard some talking.

"Look at my beautiful baby girl, isn't she just wonderful?"

"She sure is, and she looks exactly like you dear."

"What should we name her?"

"How about... Nahida."

"That's a wonderful name sweetie."

Nahida squinted at the figures above her and lifted a hand 'A-am I reincarnated..? Wanderer is  going to be so mad...' Nahida frowned tears welling up in her eyes as she remembered all of her friends.

Hopefully they'll do well without me..."

"Where is she!" Wanderer shouted at the nonchalant man, "She's an archon for celestia's sake, she'll be fine." Alhaitham stared at the teen

"How would you know, what if she got kidnapped?!" Wanderer growled at Alhaitham upset at his lack of attention on Nahida "She doesn't have the heart to fight back and we know this!" Wanderer snarled

Alhaitham sighed "Have faith in her, if she's not back in a week, then we'll start worrying." Wanderer calms a bit down but is still visibly upset


'Of course they'll be fine without me, they are very strong after all.' Nahida thought staring into her new parent's faces, 'Is it wrong for me to enjoy this?'

Nahida gripped her new father's hand lightly giving him a gummy smile 'I hope they'll be able to handle dealing with sumeru, and that Wanderer will make new friends."

Nahida basked in the warm smiles surrounding her, thankful to Celestia for having a nice family 'They'll be able to do it, I have hope.'

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 09 ⏰

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