Luna Loutus

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> Artistic name: Luna (루나)> Real name: Park Nari (박나리)> Date of birth: 07/10/1999> Age: 24 > Nationality: Korean> Personality: creative and interactive › Birthplace: Gumi - si, Naju - si› Your MBTJI: INTP> Sign: Libra > Surname: Cookie,Fluffy

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> Artistic name: Luna (루나)
> Real name: Park Nari (박나리)
> Date of birth: 07/10/1999
> Age: 24
> Nationality: Korean
> Personality: creative and interactive
Birthplace: Gumi - si, Naju - si
> Sign: Libra
> Surname: Cookie,Fluffy.
› Best friend: All Girls of Loutus
> Your Height: 1.70 m
> Your weight: 65 kg
> Your favorite food: Samgyeopsal.
› Your gender: Feminino
› For how long in the company: 10 anos
› What are you allergic to: Batata doce
› Animal representation: 🐍
> Your position: Vocalist,Face, Visual
> Serious relationship: J.H
› Sexuality: Heterosexual
› Languages ​​spoken: Korean,Chinese,Japan,Portuguese,Thai, English, Espanhol.

» Suas redes sociais:
» Instagram: @N.A.R.I
» TikTok: @Luna Park
» Twitter: @L.U.A.R.I

Florun enterteniment artist script Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora