Layla Blazers

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> Artistic name: Layla > Real name: Kim Min-ji> Date of birth: 09/07/2005> Age: 17 anos > Nationality: Coreano > Personality: protective and welcoming› Birthplace: Namwon-ji,Suwon-si› Your MBTJI: ISFJ> Sign: Câncer > Your Height: N/A> Your weight:...

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> Artistic name: Layla
> Real name: Kim Min-ji
> Date of birth: 09/07/2005
> Age: 17 anos
> Nationality: Coreano
> Personality: protective and welcoming
Birthplace: Namwon-ji,Suwon-si
> Sign: Câncer
> Your Height: N/A
> Your weight: N/A
> Your favorite food: N/A
› Your gender: Feminino
› For how long in the company: 3 anos
> Your position: Vocalist, Face,Visual And Guide rapper
› Sexuality: Homossexual

Florun enterteniment artist script Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora