3. Salem's True Form pt.3

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Salem is now a chinese-looking girl with silky black hair that fell to her waist and snake-like eyes with slitted pupils. She wore a gray v-neck sweater and a long blue plaid skirt.

Nari: Skrael?

Skrael: *Skrael.exc has stopped working *

Douxie: Welp, that's enough for tonight, since Salem seems to have broken Skrael.

Nari: *Uncapping a marker* Heh-heh.

Bellroc: Nari, no.

Later, in their room.

Salem: *About Skrael* What do you think happened?

Bellroc: *Who just wants to fall asleep* His secret.

Salem: *Remembers that she was asleep in a cave for 1,000 years and has only been awake for 900* I fear I may still be weak from my nap. What is his secret?

Nari: *Smiling wickedly* He has a got a crush on someone....

Salem: Really, who?

Nari: Sorry! Not my secret to tell.

Bellroc: *Can't sleep because of their chatter* Go to sleep already!

Nari & Salem: Fiiiiiinnnneeeee.

139 words not including this

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