5. Hiking pt.1

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The Arcane Order are in the living room, while Salem was upstairs in their room.

Douxie: *Walking in* Where is Salem?

Bellroc: *Reading a book* Upstairs. Said she was sick.

Archie: I didn't think demigods got sick.

Nari: *Playing Go Fish with Skrael* We thought so too. Do you have a 6?

Skrael: *Grudgingly gives Nari a card*

Nari: Thank you.

Douxie: Well, I know what'll cheer her up * heads toward the stairs*.

Salem: *Who had been hiding in the shadows, still in her true form* hey.

Douxie: AHHHHH!!!!!!! *Screams like a little girl*

Arcane Order: BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Salem He, he...*coughs*.

Douxie: *Looking her up and down* What happened to you?

Salem: Secrets.

Bellroc: Someone's feeling cryptic.

Salem: What do you want, mortal?

Douxie: *Slightly shocked that since Salem doesn't say 'mortal'* We're going on a hike, and you are coming with.

Nari: *Jumping up* Yes!

Skrael: Nope. Nuh-uh. No way.

Bellroc: Stop complaining. Maybe if you got some fresh air, you would stop moping.

Skrael: I. Don't. Mope.

Nari: Yes, you do. Also, you and Bellroc are terrible at hiding in plain sight.

Douxie: That's why I got you disguises. Salem just needs a pair of sunglasses.

Salem: A-CHOO!

Douxie:....and a hankie. Go on, get dressed. The clothes are in my room. Chop-chop!

195 words not including this

4 demigods, 1 wizard, and 1 dragonWhere stories live. Discover now