6. Hiking pt.2

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(Skrael is wearing a blue hoodie and a pair of brown pair of pants. Bellroc is wearing a red hoodie and tee with a pair of black jeans)

Salem: A-CHOO! *Sniff* stupid pollen.

Nari: Bless you.

Salem: Thanks.

Skrael: Are we there yet?

Archie: Hmm, about two minuets closer than we were the last time you asked, ice boy.

Skrael: What did you just call me?

Nari: Ice boy.

Skrael: Wasn't talking to you, forest girl.

Nari: Glacier.

Skrael: Bush.

Nari: Ice cube.

Skrael: Earth.

Nari: Ice.

Bellroc and Salem: Knock it off, you two.

Skrael: Beat it, Fire.

Salem: Heh, 'Fire'. Good one, Ice.

Nari: *Nodding* Secret's right.

Archie: Help. Too many nicknames.

Salem: Don't worry......Dritten.

Everyone except Archie: Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Archie: *Sarcastically* Oh, ha ha, your hilarious. Very funny.

Some time later.....

Douxie: We have arrived.

Bellroc: Finally.

Skrael: What do we do now?

Nari: We Explore!

Salem: *Feeling better already* Are there any meadows nearby?

Douxie: If memory serves, there's one that way.

Salem: OK, race ya there! *Runs off*

Archie: No fair! You have a head start!

It was a long and lovely day. Full of moss and trees and creeks and meadows. Everyone smiled, even Skrael, though he wouldn't admit it. At the end of the perfect day, and Salem was feeling much better.....

Salem: That was lovely. Skrael even smiled!

Nari: Really?

Bellroc: I don't believe it!

Skrael: Because it didn't happen.

Salem: Sure...Then what happened when I was looking at that flower?

Skrael: Uh.....A frown.

Nari: We've all seen you frown....

Salem: And that wasn't it.

They all laughed, except Skrael, in the fading rays of the setting sun.

237 words not including this.

4 demigods, 1 wizard, and 1 dragonWhere stories live. Discover now