Chapter 4

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School came very fast and I couldn't be more happy. School was the only time I could escape my reality. I had a couple of people I talked to at school but with what was going on in my life I really didn't have time outside of school to really hang out. "Marshay" I heard my friend named Jess calling me from the other end of the hallway. She came running my way with her books in her arm "What's up girl where have you been? Referring to the week I missed because Michelle had debt she couldn't pay.
"Oh girl I wasn't feeling good I was cramping" I said to her. My mama had been made me get on the birth control shot after Skull first raped me.
"Girl I understand what you talking about believe me" she laughed out loud "Well I was having a party this weekend for my birthday and of course you are invited she said while handing me a invitation that she pulled from her notebook.
"Thanks...well I'm about to get to class I'll catch you at lunchtime" I said to her while turning in walking the opposite way. Gym was my next class and after last night with Skull I was not participating in class today.
"Ms. Beam why aren't you dressed for gym young lady?" Mr. Drake asked me while looking through his thick bifocals as they rested on the bridge of his nose.
"I don't feel good and my stomach hurts" I told him while taking a seat on the floor up against the wall.
"You said that last week and the week before do know that you are failing in my class?" If only he really knew what I was going through when I walked out of these doors everyday at 3:00 p.m.
"Yes Mr. Drake I fully understand and I'll try to make up something that can be counted as a grade for this class. I was kinda happy that the school year was almost over but also thinking about how many more men my mama would send my way over thesummer time, just the thought made my eyes water.
"You ok girl" I heard Jess ask while standing in front of me which I hadn't noticed until she touched my shoulder.
"Oh yeah girl I'm fine I was just thinking about how much I miss my grandma and all the good times we shared" I said trying to get her off my back and out of my business that she was trying so hard to get in. I knew she was only being a friend but this is something that I don't even have control over so there's no way I can even give her a insight of my real problems.
"Well you do know that you can talk to me whenever you need to because I'll always be here to listen.
"Thanks girl" I said while getting up from the floor. Lunch was the next period and by the time we made it in there it was packed, loud and hot. I sat down at the table in the back where I always did and just as I sat down Robert Mills and his little crew walked in.
Now Robert I had a major crush on him but I would never tell anyone or even show interest if he was in my presence. I just played it cool, shit he had enough chicks flocking to him as it is. I kinda watched him and his people's make there rounds around the cafeteria almost stopping at every table and last but not least they made it to my table an sat down. I mentally rolled my eyes in my head while putting I soft smile on my face.
"What's up Marshay" this boy named Tim said to me.
"Hey" I said with my head still looking down at my lunch.
"Where you been I haven't seen you around lately?" What the fuck is up with all the questions like he a cop or a news reporter...I thought to myself!!!
"My mama has been sick so I have been staying home to see after her that's why I haven't been here like that" I said with a slight attitude in my voice.
"Damn she told just" James said to Tim. Tim just told him to "Shut the fuck up"! I let out a little chuckle when I looked over and see the look on James face.
"Look Tim you got you future wife to laugh at you dumb ass" Robert said while pointing from Tim to me.
"Fuck you Robert bro" he said waving him off with his hand.
"Oh so you didn't want her to know that you been liking her nigga" he said letting out a In Your Face type of laugh.
"Yeah well how about you and your little secret sex acts you be having about her, huh?" Robert mouth dropped.
"Now you a bitch ass nigga for that right there"
"Oh but it was ok when you was spilling my beans huh?" Tim said with hands in a surrender position. I just sat there in busted out laughing at how stupid they sounded arguing over "who was crushing harder over me".
The school day had come to a end and I was at my locker when I heard my cell phone going off. I ignored it because I knew it was Skull because he the only person who has the number. He brought me the phone so he could keep track of my whereabouts in trust me when he want to have sex with me he would come wherever I am to get me but since I was at school I knew he wouldn't come here because he wouldn't want that attention on him.
I walked out of the school building on my way to my bus when I heard "Bitch you saw me calling that damn phone all day in you just gone ignore me huh?" I stopped in my tracks as a chill went down my spine. I turned around to the devil himself standing behind me. I jumped out of my skin damn near thinking "Since when would he just come to my school?"
"My phone was in my locker plus I can't have it in my classes with me" I said with a scared look on my face.
"Fuck that shit you keep that phone on you at all times bitch so I can get in touch with you when I need to" he said while grabbing me by my neck. Just when he did that Robert, Tim and James where walking out of that school building so Skull let my neck go in put a fake smile on his face while saying "your mama told me to come get you from school it was a emergency, so let's go". I stood there with a confused look on my face before he gave me that "Don't Play With Me" look.
"We'll see you tomorrow Marshay" the guys said while walking pass Skull and I. Once they passed us up we headed towards Skull car and as soon as I got in my seat "SMACK" across my face. "What did you do that for Skull I haven't done anything wrong" I said while holding the side of my face.
"Shut up bitch you got these niggas smiling all in your face like you there's or something" I said to me. He really act like what he does to me is right. This shit been going on for so long I'm just tired of it.
"Those are my classmates Skull"
"SMACK" again across my face and all I could do is shield myself to stop the blows that where coming my way from him.
"Please stop" I cried out.
"I'll stop when I'm ready, remember bitch you don't run me I run you" he said while sending more blows my way. I was damn near in a fetus position in his front seat before he stopped hitting me. I knew what the rest of my day was gone to be like and that was "pleasing Skull in any and every way he could think of"..........

You can only imagine what's next to come!!! So tune in to the rest of "Turned Out"!!!

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