Chapter 13

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Michelle POV

All I remembered is waking up in a hospital not really remembering why I'm here. I looked down and to see a IV in my arm. No one was in the room with me not Skull or Marshay, I couldn't believe I turned out to be this type of person.

Knock!!! Knock!!! is all I heard breaking me out of my pitiful thoughts.

"Come in" I said with my dry raspy voice.

"Hey I'm Sharron your nurse for the rest of the evening" this light skinned chick informing me of her title.

"Hello, I'm Michelle" I said back.

"Are you comfortable, do you need anything to drink or something to eat" she asked me.

"I'll have something to drink cause I don't have that much of a appetite" I informed her

" Well what will you have?, we have Cranberry, Apple, Orange juice, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Tea and Water" she said finishing up the choices to pick from.

"Tea please cause I'm feeling like that will help with this raspy voice of mines.

"Ok and ill be back with your tea" she said walking towards the door and leaving out but making sure it was closed tightly.

She returned shortly with my tea and let me know if I needed anything to just push the button, then she left out the room. Being in this quiet room hearing nothing but the beeping I drifted back into my thoughts, taking myself down memory lane. I just laid there thinking about how I betrayed Marshay for the love I have for could I call myself a mom and I gave this man my daughter incidence just to get a endless high whenever I want as long as she's around.

"What the fuck has gotten into you" I spoke to myself in third party cause I to just couldn't understand how I got so weak over these damn drugs when I use to hold it together so well when it first started but after my mom passed away I really hit rock bottom and stop hiding the fact that I was using. I remembered the day Marshay witnessed me taking a pull of my pipe and the look on her face was filled with a confusing and painful look but I was to busy enjoying my high that it didn't bother me not one bit but from that day forward I didn't hide my use anymore. I was smoking anywhere, selling anything I had of value even my daughter from time to time, I even tried to sale some bullshit just to make a dollar to get high and at the rate I was going I would of tried to sale the house if I ever had them papers in my hand but momma made sure she left all that stuff with Mrs. Green our next door neighbor.

Skull was one of the many neighborhood drug dealers and his product was so A-1, I couldn't stop using if I wanted to. Skull always seemed like he had a crush on me from way back when he was little and he wasn't nowhere near the status he's at now in his drug game and even though he was younger then me I had a lil flame for him also. One thing led to another and we ended up sleeping around with each other and that's when I started to wonder "how crack made you feel" so I started to experiment with his drugs he would leave at my house and the first time I did it the high felt so like heaven....well that's how I'm hoping heaven feels cause it was awesome!!!

One day I thought Skull had left out for the day and I went to my little compartment on the side of the dresser to get my day started after having sex and as I was putting the pipe up to my mouth ready to light it Skull walked back into the room and stopped in his footsteps at the site he witness and all I could do is beg him not to hate me and to please forgive me for what I done but after that day that's when he no longer respected me and started treating me like a hype on the street.

One night I was off up in one of the spots giving Skull some head of for my next fix and after he was done busting on my face and making me swallow every ounce he put out I got up and went to clean myself up in the bathroom but not before he gave me four baggies with a substance wrapped in aluminum.

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