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"Sage, Sage! Get up!" A voice snapped her from her temporary slumber. Sage groaned, peeling her eyes open to see Ruby with an anxious expression.

"Sage, we have to get out. Come on!" Levi yelled, pulling her towards the door of the plane.

Sage shot up, her head throbbing. The plane was now fully submerged in the water, and Sage panicked.

"This way, let's go guys!" John B called out, holding the plane door open. One by one, everyone made their way out.

It was Sage's turn, and she turned to help Kie, who was the last person in the plane.

"Come on, Kiara!" JJ yelled, but Kie hesitated.

"Hold on, we have to help him!" Kie said, climbing back into the plane. JJ cursed at her sense of empathy.

"No, Kie. It's gonna sink!" JJ yelled, but Kie scoffed. Sage swam back to the plane, making her way to the front to help Kiara with Jimmy.

"Jimmy, wake up! Jimmy!" Kie said, lightly hitting his cheek a few times.

"Just pull him out. The door is open behind you." Sage instructed, pushing Jimmy's feet as Kiara pulled him.

Kie struggled under Jimmy's weight, not being as strong a swimmer as some of her friends. Sage took him from her hands, swimming him to shore.

Once she was in shallow enough waters, she drug him onto the sand. She plopped down behind him, taking a deep breath, and looked around for her friends.

"Kie, where are they?" Sage asked, and Kie looked around.

"Jimmy!" Kie said, shaking him harshly. Jimmy stirred, looking up at the two girls that hovered above him.

"You saved my life. Thank you." Jimmy said with a smile.

"You lied to us! Who are you?" Kie asked, trying to catch her breath.

Commotion from shore caught Sage's attention. Men in uniforms on four wheelers sped down the beach, guns attached to their waist.

"Get out of here, go!" Jimmy said. Sage and Kiara didn't hesitate, jumping up. The girls took off down the beach, racking their brains for a game plan.

"Get them!" A man yelled, and Sage felt her anxiety at an all time high.

"Where do we go?" Sage panicked. The men had now surrounded the beach, and she had almost given up.

Promise *Rafe Cameron*Where stories live. Discover now