Chapter 7 - Shower

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When the night was thick, I covered myself tightly with a cloak and went alone to Jingting's bedroom.

Jingting's personal eunuch never stopped me, and when I entered the bedroom, he closed the door.

But... the eunuch didn't tell me that Jingting was taking a bath.

After I made up my mind in the misty steam, I walked quietly and sat down behind Jingting, putting my arms around his neck from behind and said, "Ge ge."

Jingting didn't want me to call him "Emperor Brother" anymore, nor did he like me calling him "Your Majesty," so I came up with this.

As soon as I finished speaking, Jingting's upper body stiffened slightly.

He turned around slowly, looked at me, and said in an indifferent tone, "Are you trying to enchant the emperor?"

"If Ge ge is willing to be enchanted," I replied.

"Why are you so nervous?" Jingting asked with some dissatisfaction as I kept my head down.

"Because Ge ge is angry with me," I replied.

"Why?" Jingting asked.

"Since Ge ge asked me to explain," I paused, "So, if I say I was accidentally pushed out and the dagger happened to be in front of me, Ge ge would believe me, right?" I lightly touched Jingting's shoulder with my fingertips, feeling increasingly improper.

I couldn't see Jingting's expression, but I could feel his coldness. I was somewhat anxious while waiting for his response. Suddenly, Jingting reached out and ran his hand up my sleeve, finally resting his warm palm on my waist.

"It's so thin inside," he remarked.

His words shattered the hazy atmosphere.

Even when he pulled me into the bathtub, my consciousness was still blurry. I only remembered saying, "I have a wound on my body."

"The physician said it's okay to touch water," he replied.

I couldn't help asking, "So you're not completely indifferent after all?"

Jingting patiently moved aside the wet strands of hair that stuck to my neck, but he didn't respond to my question. He simply said, "Wei Yueyue, explain it again."

"It would be the same even if I explain it again, because it's real. Based on the relationship between Liu Yu and me, he wouldn't let me take a stab for him," I explained.

"You still have a relationship with him?" There was a hint of danger in Jingting's tone.

"Relationship doesn't mean affection," I replied.

Jingting's gaze seemed to wander slightly as if he was thinking about whether I was lying or telling the truth.

After thinking it through, he asked, "What about your relationship with me?"

I lowered my head and said, "You destroyed my dress, I don't want to talk about it."

"It's stained,"

"You were venting your anger," I said, accusingly.

Jingting lifted his chin slightly and said, "Weiyue."

"Are you in a hurry, Ge ge?" I asked.

Jingting tightened his grip around my waist slightly and whispered, "You're right. I'll slowly take what I want."

I suddenly regretted throwing myself into the tiger's den tonight.

When Jingting kissed my neck, I pushed him away with the last of my sobriety and said, "Not here."

"Not here?" The desire in Jingting's eyes was slowly replaced by a hint of laughter. "Then somewhere else would do, like the Duke's Mansion. You do know what happened that night."

I sensed that Jingting was eager to relive that night with me, so I tried to leave his embrace. To my surprise, it was effortless, as if Jingting was intentionally letting me go.

I left the bath and said, "Thanks for inviting me to bathe, Your Majesty. I just remembered that I have something to attend to, so I'll be leaving now."

Jingting called out to me, and I instinctively thought he was going to retract his words. I almost slipped, but Jingting caught me. I didn't know when he had come up behind me.

"Do you want to go out all wet like this?" Jingting asked.

I was stunned and looked at Jingting as he casually took a piece of clothing from the shelf and wrapped it around me. "I forgot to tell you, the Empress Dowager is also worried about you. Go see her tomorrow."

When I agreed, Jingting said, "When you're there, no matter what I say to you, it'll be the first time you've heard it, okay?"

I understood what he meant, but I was confused.

When I returned to my own room and took off my cloak, I realized that Jingting had wrapped me in his dragon robe. Not only did I notice, but the palace maids who served me did as well. Though they looked at me strangely, they didn't dare to ask any questions.

After all, rumors had quietly spread throughout the palace since Jingting personally carried me back after I was injured, but they were quickly suppressed by Jingting.

"After all, it's a situation where things are not done properly, and Jingting won't let it ferment. Even if it's now at a point where success is inevitable.

When I went to bed late at night, I couldn't understand Jingting's last words after thinking hard.

As a result, I had to apply a lot of powder to cover up my dark circles before going to see the empress dowager the next day.

The empress dowager treated me the same as before and even asked me to stay a little longer. After a while, Jingting came.

While the empress dowager was present, Jingting was distant and estranged from me, but as soon as the empress dowager went into the inner hall to change her clothes, Jingting began to stare at me recklessly.

When I remained silent and bowed my head, he even reached out and pulled me towards him to speak.

As the sound of footsteps approaching from the inner hall grew closer, I felt increasingly anxious, but Jingting wouldn't let me go. He even told me that he replaced Liu Yu that night.

I already knew, but since we were in the empress dowager's palace and she was nearby, I had to maintain my shocked attitude as if it was my first time hearing it.

At that moment, Jingting let go of me, and I fled in a panic out of the empress dowager's Shoukang Palace.

As soon as I stepped out of the Shoukang Palace, I heard the sound of bottles breaking inside.

My heart continued to race until I boarded the sedan chair to leave the palace, and then I suddenly realized Jingting's intentions.

He wanted the empress dowager to hear about her son's absurd behavior with her own ears, to understand that her previous obstruction of Jingting's actions was not only ineffective but also stimulated him to repeatedly break the rules, leading to her disappointment with him.

Jingting himself knew that once the empress dowager knew her son's limits, she would not dare to obstruct him again.

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