Chapter 41

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After the following night when Nisha met Ruhaan, Barrister Ijaz Ali had called her about the ownership shift. She had blatantly refused to own it and told him about everything which happened. It did her a favor as Ijaz Ali promised to lend her help. The divorce papers she sent Ruhaan today were also due to the old lawyer.

It was past three weeks since she joined the Institute of medical entrance test preparation. As expected, she couldn't get the work back from Zoya's Aunt since her husband being Ruhaan's employee was a more dominant link than the former. But now she thought she didn't need it as the court thing was absolved. Her mother was earning more than usual lately and she used to help her in the night.

Now there was just one motive in her life to get admission to the medical university on merit and get rid of Ruhaan from her life and heart both. The former was possible but later seemed impossible for her.

Nisha yawned for the nth time in a minute. When she realizes she wouldn't be able to keep up with it, she left her study table and went to her bed. She wasn't even properly dozed when her phone beeped. She lazily opened her eyes. It was Haider's message. She groaned in annoyance but read it.

What are you doing?

Nisha rolled her eyes. Now she couldn't say, she was sleeping and making him feel embarrassed.

Nothing special.

Hmm...Nisha, do you have free time tomorrow?

Her brows were in confusion. She could already smell the suspicion from Haider's body language and talks since he got to know about her and Ruhaan's dynamic. And now she thought it was best to tell him this clearly and precisely. He didn't deserve to linger on sweet hopes.

I have a class in the morning but yes. I am free after that. What is it?

I was thinking we should have coffee together. This way, we will talk to each other as well.

Nisha jabbed her lips in a thin line.

Okay. Come over to our house then. Bring everyone else as well. We'll spend a good time together.

Haider sighed at her reply. He wanted alone time with her not with the whole gang. But at least she agreed to meet and talk to him. After what he did on that rainy day, he felt terrible to act like that. He still loved her and couldn't get past her even though he broke off the wedding. After getting to know the truth about her and that guy's marriage, he felt himself to be the culprit of her ruined state. Now he wanted to shower her life with love and happiness.


Haider regarded her carefully. She looked more confident and strong as compared to the girl whom he uselessly accused more than three months back. How she was stuttering and pleading that day. But today she was looking different. Whether it was the way she was composing herself or talking with absolute resolution. The betrayal of that guy made her strong instead of getting weak. He smiled looking at her calm face who was circling the mouth of the coffee cup with her index finger, in deep thoughts.

They were sitting on the chairs on the rooftop of Nisha's house after dinner with the rest of the family. The night was neither too chilly nor too hot. The lanterns were making the surroundings look beautiful. It was a perfect atmosphere to confess love and ask for forgiveness. At least for Haider.

He cleared his throat to get her attention. "I heard you sent divorce papers to him."

Nisha abruptly looked up at him. She thought for a while before nodding.

"You did the right thing, Nisha," he commended her.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I know."

He placed the cup back on the table between them. "And what will you do after that?"

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