Chapter 61

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It was a week since she was at Sufiyan's mansion. And she didn't get to talk to her mother since coming here. Tabinda though tried to call her but she never answered, just send her texts. She knew she wouldn't be able to control herself after hearing her voice.

She found maids here chatting about her behind her back. Of course, it would be why was she suddenly doing here that too with two children of Ruhaan after leaving the house just two days after the marriage. Fauzia and Amna though got very happy seeing her back. For them, it was like their Saab and Bibi reconciled but who knew the reality here?

Rahmeen on the other hand was very moody. She didn't talk to Nisha that much but she was pleasantly surprised to find Rahmeen enthusiastic for her brother's kids.

And Ruhaan was as usual the best father and perhaps husband as well. He made sure that Nisha and the children didn't have any problems here. Even after coming tired from the office, he used to spend time with the twins. And for Nisha, he still wanted her to reconsider her decision as nothing was lost yet. But she often tried to avoid him.

Nisha started to join classes two days after coming here. Rutba Begum was taking care of the children in her absence. Nisha had shortened her duration of classes for the kid's sake. Since then, she used to leave for college before Ruhaan would be up. She frequently used to have meals in the room. And when Ruhaan used to come to meet children, she attempted to go out of his sight. Ruhaan was noticing it too but he didn't say anything yet. He wanted Nisha to give herself and their marriage some time to think about.

It was night time when Nisha was pressing her dress for the next morning at her university. The kids were sleeping but Aliyan today was getting very irritated since his bandage got replaced as he was crying occasionally.

This time when he woke up and cried, he had no plan to quit. Nisha took him in her arms and strolled a bit to comfort him but he wouldn't stop crying. She even tried to feed him as she thought he was perhaps hungry but nothing helped. At that time, her mind clicked over the information that Ruhaan could handle their son better than her. She approached the closed door; a barrier between their rooms and knocked on it.

After a while, the knob kicked and the door opened, revealing a shirtless Ruhaan. Nisha's breath stuck in her throat. She was seeing him like this for so many months later. And despite the severity of the situation, it made her recall the passionate moments they spent together.

"What happened?" Ruhaan's sleepy voice brought her out of her thoughts.

"Aliyan...he is crying so much. I think his wound is hurting him," she said.

"One second. Let me see," he mumbled and Nisha gave the baby to him.

"Should we get him checked by the doctor?" She asked.

Ruhaan didn't reply, instead brought the head of the crying baby in front of him and scrutinized it all around before softly touching his bandage.

"What are you doing?" Nisha panicked to find him touching his injury like this. Her eyes filled with tears seeing her small baby whimpering like this. It just reminded her of the time when she found him helplessly laying on the ground with blood all around him.

"I was ensuring that his wound wasn't bleeding again and he is perfectly fine. He is just getting a bit cranky due to the bandage irritating him. Let me take my little Superman on a stroll," he proclaimed, kissing his wet cheek.

Ruhaan walked out of the room and she reached Eshal who was getting disturbed by her brother's screams. She sat on the bed beside her and gently caressed her forehead. Her children were her whole world and if something happened to them, she wouldn't be able to live.

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