Chapter 51

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Today seeing her after so many days, he wasn't able to think properly. He loved her, craved for her, and wanted to bring her back into his life to illuminate the dark bits of his being.

And he couldn't help but kiss her. It didn't surprise Ruhaan when he found her not shoving him away. He knew if there wouldn't be anything remaining between them, love would always be there; binding them with an unbreakable string. He saw as Nisha slowly closed her eyes while her fists found the buttons of his shirt.

Ruhaan too closed his eyes and savored the moment unhurriedly. This kiss wasn't like the previous ones they shared which were filled with passion, love, and eagerness. It was slow, sweet, and soft. Ruhaan's hand reached the small of her back and he softly caressed there only to get rewarded by her small moan. With his other palm, he held her silky cheek.

Just when their kiss was about to get deeper, a gasp sounded and they pulled away from each other.

"So--sorry," Unaiza bit her nail shyly looking at both of them nervously, and ran out of the room.

Ruhaan regarded Nisha whose face was red as a tomato right now. He stifled a smile. She was looking anywhere but at him.

That glasses girl ruined their moment for no reason. Ruhaan fought an urge to kiss her again but he didn't want to cross too many steps to reach Nisha at once right now. She didn't stop him, that was enough for him to know he wasn't wrong when he thought she still loved him.

"Leave!" Nisha spoke firmly after controlling the emotional mess going inside her heart.

Ruhaan raised a brow amusingly. "Still?"

Nisha placed a hand over her waist. "If you are getting confident then let me clear it for you. It was a mistake. It means nothing to me."

He grinned and again reached for her hand. Bringing it near to his lips, he pecked her soft palm. "I will come again to meet you. Take care of yourself."

He left after that and Nisha suddenly felt the room became jammed all of a sudden. Why did this adamant guy never listen? Why was he so stubborn? Why couldn't he leave her alone? Why she had to fall in love with him this crazily? But of all, why was she so stupid to let him kiss her again? Why couldn't she stop him?

Nisha touched her lower lip and still his touch was lingering. She lazily walked towards her bed and sank on it.

The answer was simple. His closeness evoked a longing in her. It surged her love for him like a sprouting flower. And the most crucial; she couldn't resist him. 

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Unaiza entered the room afterward and gave her a questionable look. Nisha looked behind her shoulders.

"Is he gone?" She asked.

Unaiza nodded. "Before leaving, he said: don't go into someone else's room without knocking again."

Nisha's face again turned crimson. "Jerk," she mumbled.

Unaiza sneaked near her and sat next to her. She silently regarded her. Nisha raised a brow before exhaling.

"Don't tell this to my mother," she whispered, utterly embarrassed to even voice this.

"If you can't stop loving him then why don't you go back to him?" Unaiza said a matter of factly.

Nisha narrowed her eyes. Unaiza was the only person around her who used to have a bit of a soft spot for Ruhaan and let her think for him otherwise. Nisha didn't know what was the reason but she thought it might be due to her still being a young girl who loved such fairy tales.

His Ignorant Lover ✓Where stories live. Discover now