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*lexi's point of view!*

I walk into my school and I see my best friend Vinny, he is with Madison, mikey, Louis, Jason and nick so I just pass them, straight to my locker, I put the stuff I don't need away then head to first period and take my seat, then Thomas sits behind me "hi Lexi" he says I turn around "hi Thomas, how is it we are always the first people in here?" He kinda smiles kinda doesn't "there are always people I don't like to talk to, and by being in class there is no way they can talk to me and hurt my feelings" I look down "that's true, don't worry one day they will all stop, once they find someone else, they stopped making fun of me" then I turn around and more people come into the classroom and take there seats. •lunch time• I take my seat at my lunch table, I sit alone some times it depends on if Vinny actually decides to sit with me instead of the others, Thomas sits with me most days. Then Vinny comes over "do you still need help in math?" He asks me "why?" He smiles "ok I saw your math grade, tonight your coming over to my house." I smile then one of the mean girls,Kassie comes over "Lexi! Why are you talking to gays, it will make you gay, you just lost your emo-ness you don't want one more tittle do you?" I stand up "vinny,is straight, for all I know you are the gay one here!" She looks at me in shock, she didn't expect what was coming to her and she just turns around upset and goes to her seat and sits down, everyone is looking no one talking and me and Vinny sit down, I see Madison and them all looking too, and then slowly people start to talk about what just happened, "hey thanks Lexi" Vinny starts eating "anytime, so we still on for your house tonight?" He smiles "of course, at like 8, because your class is at 7, and so is mine" •icon dance complex• it is Friday so I have dance, I put on my clothing for dance then get my stuff and my mom drops me off "Lexi,tonight I am giving Vinny a ride home, so we have to wait for him, you know his class sometimes takes longer" "ok mom" I say heading into the complex and I sign in and walk down the hallway to my class I stop and look at the door to my left 'iconic boyz' Vinny and everyone is in that room I keep walking and take a turn to my class 'iconic girlz' •after class• I am the last one out so I can wait for Vinny, and so I wait outside of the 'iconic boyz' room one by one boyz come out, I see Madison and he walks out and then turns around and looks at me "hey, your Lexi? Right?" Is this life? Madison is talking to me! "Yeah, I am Lexi" he moves away from the door and Is now in forint of me "thank you,for sanding up for vin" I smile "no problem, I have known him for so long" Madison smiles "did anyone ever stand up for you? You know I have heard all the emo rumors,just because you went through your wear black clothing faze, and don't worry we all go though that" I look at the ground "no I didn't my friend Hannah did stand up for me for a while but she kinda moved after a week when they started being mean to her" he takes his hand and moves my head to look at him "I am sorry,don't worry you got me and Vinny here for you" he hugs me and then he sees his mom "well I got to go" he says and he goes inside his car. Then I go and find my mom and wait outside wait her for vinny, then Vinny comes, and Madison runs to me "hey I forgot to give you this" he hands me a paper then goes back to his mom,and me and Vinny get into the car 'call or text me sometime' the paper reads along with his number

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