[ 7 ]

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The car ride was slightly awkward. Chan had come looking for Felix and instead got himself tied up between a blonde kid with braces and the guy from earlier.

"You could let me go, you know. I didn't steal anything," he said in a soft tone, nudging the shoulders of both males.

"That's not the point," the buff guy said coldly. "You were on our property."

"You coulda' just, like, called the cops, no need to fucking kidnap me." Chan shoved his zip-tied hands in his face.

"He does have a point, Changbin," the blonde guy offered, shrugging.

Chan raised his eyebrows and looked at the said person. "So your name is Changbin?"

He ignored the boy's somewhat rhetorical question. "For God's sake, Jeongin, why do you think we can't call the cops?! Because we have at least two tonnes of drugs and arsenal stored in that warehouse!"

Immediately, Changbin slapped a hand over his mouth, eyes almost popping out of his head. Chan guessed he wasn't supposed to know that. Jeongin-guy groaned and rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest.

"So Jeongin and Changbin? Nice to meet y'all, I'm Chris."

Chan gave them a cocky smile, this time raising both his eyebrows.

"Changbin-hyung, can't we just put this dick in the trunk?"

"That sounds like a great idea."

"That has gotta be the most uncomfortable shit I've been through in a while," the Aussie complained, trying to crack his bones after being stuck in the trunk for the past twenty minutes.

The Jeongin guy aggressively grabbed Chan's wrists, "Should've kept your damn mouth shut then."

Wherever they were, it was dark and clammy, a concrete structure. Most likely some sort of parking or garage space. He placed a bag over Chan's head and pulled him by the wrists to wherever he wanted to go.

"So what's gonna happen now?" Chan asked after Jeongin took the bag off and sat him down in a room, securing his poor self to a chair.

The room was dim. A single light bulb hung on a cord from the ceiling, illuminating the room just barely.

"Well, Chris, you've got yourself in some shit, so I really don't know," Jeongin said with a grim look, "now, what's your name?"

"I said it's Chris... ow! What the hell!"

That dick slapped me.

"Full name, dimwit," he deadpanned, glaring at Chan.

"Bahng Chan, Chris is just a name I adopted at home."

Damn that hurt.


The said boy nodded, a bit clueless. Jeongin stared at him just as confused as he was. He circled the room, and Chan craned his neck to watch him.

"Hmm, so this Felix... who is he?"

"A friend of mine," the hostage spared as much information as he could but flinched when Jeongin raised his hand again.

"Fine, fine, fine, no need for violence. We used to be friends, and he came to Korea a few years ago. I didn't know where he was until he turned his phone on like a week ago, so I got his Snapchat location. It said he was at your warehouse. I don't know why, though."

The room fell silent once Chan had finished speaking, Jeongin just kept staring into empty space like a deer in the headlights.

"So you're Chan, right?" he asked again, looking... worried. Like a wave of realization had hit him, full force, but hadn't quite rendered.

"Um, yeah."

"Oh... fuck."

COLD ᝰ.ᐟ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐗Where stories live. Discover now