Getting popular/Calm before the storm

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In the lobby everyone can hear the noise that the ghostbusters were making to catch the ghost , the manger had enough and called for someone to open the ballroom door .

Hotel manger : Mr.Smith , I want that door opened now . Stand over there .

They were about to unlock the door when the Ghostbuster come out with Peter in the front .

Peter: We came , we saw , we kicked its ass .

Hotel manger : Did you see it? what is it?

Ray : We got it .

Hotel manger: What is it? Will there be more of them?

Phoenix comes out of the ballroom with a smirk and stands in front of the manger with the smoking trap.

Phoenix : Sir, what you have there is what we refer to as a focused, non-terminal repeating phantasm, or a Class Five full roaming vapor .

Ray : A real nasty one too.

Peter clears his throat and makes the manger look at him , Egon goes next to Phoenix watches what was about to unfold .

Peter: Now, let's talk seriously , now. For the entrapment , we're gonna have to ask you for four big ones . Four thousand dollars for that . But we are having a special this week on proton charging and storage of the beast , and that's only going to come to one-thousand dollars , fortunately .

Hotel manger: Five thousand dollars? I had no idea it would be so much . I won't pay it.

Peter : Well , that's all right! we can just put it right back in there .

Phoenix : That's right Dr. Venkman or I can let it out right here .

Phoenix was about to put the trap down , when the Hotel manger stops her and looks at them .

Hotel Manger : No, no , no , no ! All right! I'll pay anything!.

Peter : Thank you so much .

Phoenix pats the mangers cheek and Ray makes room so Phoenix can get through with the trap .

Ray : Thank you! Hope we can help you again! All right, coming through! Watch out! Class Five full roaming vapor! Watch out!

Dana was working out and the news was on when she hears the ghostbuster , she stops and hears in on what they were saying about them.

Roger Grimsby :Good evening, I'm Roger Grimsby. Today the entire eastern seaboard is alivewith talk of incidents of paranormal activity. Alleged ghost sightings andrelated supernatural occurrences have been reported across the entiretri-state area.

Al the news station was talking about them , in news papers it shows Phoenix and the gang in the Echo-1 and others show them on busts and them carrying traps . It was night time in the fire house Phoenix and the boys were all asleep , Phoenix and Egon shares a bed that was when they stared to have "Dreams " ( if you you what I mean 😏) about each other with Ray and Phoenix falling off there beds . Wintson Zeddmore , bearing newspaper ad, looks up at the ghostbusters logo sign . Janine was interviewing Winston about the job .

Janine : Do you believe in UFOs, astral projection, mental telepathy, ESP,clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trans-mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?

Wintson : If there's a steady paycheck in it , I'll believe anything you say .

A tired Peter and Ray come in after a bust.

Ray : Boy , I've gotta get some sleep . I'm dying .

Peter: You don't look so good.

Ray : I don't?

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