Simping sleepover-done

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God this was fucking stupid dream thought looking into the mirror at the cute lime green maid dress with a puffy short skirt before leaning over to pull up the kitten thigh high socks.

The events leading to this interesting scene is exactly the story I will be telling you now.

Dream was sitting in Wilbur's room with George, sapnap, Wilbur, Tommy and technoblade for a fun friend group sleepover or as George and sapnap liked to call it dream's simping sleepover as all dream could focus on was the gorgeous long pink haired male sitting in front of him in the circle the group were sitting in.

They were playing a game they had invented called double-dare where one person gives two dare's to another, and the second had to pick one of the two dare's.

What dream (and techno) didn't know was that everyone had planned out this to end with dream, admitting his feelings to techno, although not without embarrassing dream thoroughly.

This plan couldn't fail, mostly because they knew techno liked dream back after Wilbur had bravely read his 'diary' and oddly enough got away with it.

"So can I go first" Wilbur said looking around the circle, getting nod's from everyone.
"Dream... I dare you to give me all the answers on the maths homework or take a shot of vodka."

The group laughed dreams, horrified expression as one he was smart, and all his answers would be correct. two He didn't like giving his answers to Wilber anymore after he would consistently ask the answers to all his homework's after completely slacking off and not doing anything. Three dream was a lightweight and could get drunk really easily.

He looked at his options and decided not getting drunk around his crush was the best idea, so he chose to give the answers grumpily to Wilber who chuckled in his victory.

After a few more days, it was finally time to start the fun. George was picked as the best one to do this as dream, sort him as innocent and fully trust worthy so he wouldn't suspect a thing at least he thought he was the most innocent out of the rest of the group.

"dream, I dare you to let me dress you and you have to stay in it for the rest of the night or yell from the top of the roof your crushes name" George has an evil grin on his face, other dream fully trusted his friend he couldn't help, but be suspicious how bad this outfit could be.

God, this was fucking stupid Dream thought looking into the bathroom mirror at the lime green maid dress, feeling thoroughly embarrassed, and what was worse was that techno would see him dressed like this... god this was so embarrassing.

Pulling up the kitten socks dream took one last look at his swimming figure before joining the rest of the group, only allowed laugh from Tommy and a smaller from the rest of the group  although techno was completely silent.


Mmm yes MAID DREAM (this voice is meee you can pick the others 😤)



That skirt is short AF


Technoblade was knocked back into reality when he heard Sapnap speak.
"HA I told you it would fit" Sapnap laughed out, as he was the one who was tasked with buying the maid dress.

"Yeah yeah very funny" dream said sarcastically, sitting back down on that floor. His face would've made them laugh more if you wasn't wearing his mask because he had gotten bright red, almost like techno cape.

It was a little later into the night, when they decided to push forward in their plans. This time it was Sapnap asking dream.

"dream, I dare you to sit on Techno's lap orrrrr... SIT ON TECHNO'S LAP NAKED!' The words make dream blush furiously once again, now was able to be seen as someone has dared him to take off his mask or drink two shots.

Luckily, he was comfortable enough around them otherwise he'll probably be drunk.

Reluctantly dream got up and sat down in techno/funny it's surprisingly comfortable, but absolutely refusing to look the piglin hybrid in the face, but if he did, he may have noticed the quick small flash of word techno's face that for once wasn't blood.

Everything was going perfectly, but of course Tommy had to make some more mischief tonight.

"Techno, I dare you to make out with dream or say I'm a better PVP-er than you on your stream" to meet you here trap techno, as there was no way he was going to say that especially on a stream, so with his confidence, he looked at dream for consent for beginning to kiss him.

As the kissing became less appropriate the rest of the group left, wanting to give them at least a little bit of privacy, but of course a few stayed by the door listening in.

Techno and dream were so focused on the kiss that they seem to forget everything else. Soon techno left the mouth of dream and went to his neck one of dreams, many secret sensitive spots.

The pink haired man left hicky after hicky on dreams neck basking in the soft moans he let out making him furiously blush.

Once they had finished and come back to reality dream was an unresponsive Red ball which made techno chuckle before he spoke.

"you should wear that more often" he said, gesturing to the maid outfit making dreams face brush more, if it was even possible.

The group for the door silently celebrated their victory on getting the two lover boys together.

953 WORD 😮🫢

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