52: Overdose.

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"What do you want?" Dara asked walking back into her room, Shade rolled her eyes as a stylist followed her in, "we have an event, you will be attending this evening, you will go with Kelson Robinson, I am sure you know him," she stated causally making Dara frown and turn back to her.

"What is talking about?" the stylist started setting up her dress and a wig, and two men and another woman entered with another set of equipment.

"I think just heard what I said, you are going out sigh Kelson Robinson, the event is important to our family, do not flop it with your classlessness are we clear?"

Dara scoffed in disbelief, "I am going nowhere with Nelson Robinson, we are not on speaking terms!" Shade turned from checking the one on the dresses she handpicked.

"I am not in the mood for your tantrums Darasimi, get in that chair and look pretty, you are going to represent the Oladele family and you are not going to flop this," she gritted out.

"I am not a child Shade if I tell you I am not doing something, I am dead serious!" she said refusing to move from where she was. Shade stared at her before walking toward her, she pulled her to the side, "I am not requesting that you do it, I am telling you to do it and for your good do not say shit or you will get yourself in more trouble than you are bargaining for."

"When did you become this high-class bitch commanding everyone, the reason I am here is to help you with your course but that does not mean that you can push me over as you wish, I will not allow that."

"I am getting that tired of your bull crap Darasimi! You are a grown adult but if I tell you to do something do not argue with me! Mummy wants you there and like the beautiful and obedient daughter that you are, you will sit in that chair and cooperate with everyone here."

"I am not going any..." Shade grabbed Dara's arm tightly making her yelp, Shade glared at daring her to say one more thing.

"Do not test me, Dara, you were supposed to take their attention off Temi and me while we work out our plan, you had one simple job to be a distraction but you ran away the first opportunity you had and now that you are back here you are already fuckjnh things up! Go and sit in the chair now!"
"Good evening ma'am," Kelson smiled adjusting his bow tie, he was surprised that Maria had contacted him to be her daughter's dinner date for the Nevea launch party.

"Oh, darling! You are here already?" he nodded, "well Dara will be down soon, she is just finishing up," as soon as Maria finished her statement, Dara appeared on the stairs with a group of people headed by Shade.

Dara wore a grim expression on her face, everything was frustrating her, Shade had collected her phone and switched it off, she would not get it until the next day.

"Good evening," Kelson stated as soon as she reached the edge of the stairs, she nodded not looking at him.

"Dara doesn't be rude, this nice young man has come to escort you to the event, common smile," Maria teased, she refused to smile, ignoring her mother until Shade pinched her elbow. She flinched, before putting on a fake smile to satisfy Maria.

"Good! Now run along, everyone will be waiting, thank you once again, Kelson," Kelson nodded, "no problem, ma'am."

He took Dara's hands and they walked silently out of the door. Dara pulled her hands out of his and walked toward the car herself, he sighed feeling disappointed. She opened the door to his Royce, and entered it, she slammed the door shut.

"Hey," he said entering his car, she did not reply to his question, there was nothing to say, she was not going to him. After insulting them for returning to this place, because of her mistreatment, he used the same medium that he berated her for to get her alone with him.

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