Chapter 10

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Killer's POV
Yes yes it's me! Just take a chill pill though meeehhhh😂👎🏻! I'm not going to give out my specifications yet, I don't kiss and tell you know. I'm going to remain an enigma until I'm done with my next duel, inspector Malfoy Malvik. Of course I told the commissioner not to give up so soon and bring in more forces I can reckon with. Usually I specialise in killing women but with the officers, you wondering why? It's just a statement to the police force. I'm going to keep killing them one after the other until it sinks on their thick skulls that I cannot be eliminated easily. No amount of police officers regardless of their calibre can manoeuvre the catastrophe I plan to allow to manifest in this town. My heart has been poisoned since that day and  the deaths piled up in my mind creating a void in me and a painful numbness. You probably wonder what I have against all these fellas aight? I mean I can't just wake up on one blue day and decide to just go around killing all women? Well interesting yourselves in this......

I'm 21(this is the only thing you'll know for now). I should be in school, varsity for that matter doing the course of my dreams, however one female was enough from Carnier Street to put a standstill to my life. I lived in a small town house with my parents and they were married. At that time I was doing my Bachelor of Sciences (computer science), I was 18 by then and too young to be in varsity but because of my high IQ of 252 I got to skip and do the course sooner. My life was perfect in it's proportion and I had all the things I needed to go about life, until the middle of the year 2021. My parent's marriage went downhill,  Jack my father became an upright inebriate over the weekends and was making seasonal emergence at home in the middle of the week. He never raised his hand on mom or me but his coming home was enough to bruise her. He came and was the coldest in the room, father lost affection for mom and stopped looking at her in that way I dreamt of my future man looking at me too. Dad neglected mom's emotions and stopped asking how my varsity duration was going like he usually did. It all went from him dropping me off at school to me catching the bus because he was never home. If he wad though he'd be giggling in his phone or shouting and hurling insults at mom even when she was blameless. Countless times my mother would find lipstick marks on his shirts from work when she's doing his washing and of she'd ask Jack would just bang the door on her face and leave her in tears. On days he decided to respond he'd devalue mom and tell her how much of a rotten shrimp she is and their arguments would spiral out of control with them swiping stuff off tables and breaking stuff. Home was no longer conducive and I'd spend most of my nights with a friend Mikiella. Jack turned into that demon we'd wish to never come, he still did carrying different feminine scents and offending mom further. Mother told me and complained about it everyday since we had no other family for moral support. I grew hatred for the man I called my father and began looking at him with a different eye. I was so spiteful of him, his arrivals turned from weekly to once in a month. One fateful night when I was making my way to the bathroom I heard whispers of my father over a phone. He kept sweet talking the person on the phone and calling them sweet names. I knew that it was not mom because I had left her sleeping on the couch at the living room. I decided to just ignore the jerk and walked further till I now heard a feminine reception on dad's phone as she gave out faint inaudible sounds. I crept nearer to my parent's bedroom door and when I held the door it opened a bit, giving me a view of dad. Jack groaned and lurched into the bed as his eyes began fading. I thought he was falling sick until I heard a woman moan from the phone (what the hell!) They were having oral sex and father dared to do this in his and my mother's matrimonial bed! I had to leave quietly so he thinks no one saw him so I tip toed to my bedroom and shut the door. Of all things a married man could do why adultery? And why is my dad the one who's wronging a woman although he preached love? "No!" I screamed as I railed off the books from my shelve and breathed heavily.  I had to find this woman he was talking to.  I pulled my laptop and switched it on as well as the Bluetooth connection. My next target wad mom and dad's room and I went  there taking a peek before entering since I has to avoid being caught. Lucky enough Jack was taking a shower,  I don't know for how long he was in there but I went in and took a hold of his phone to transfer his call history to my laptop through the Bluetooth connection and walked out. I walked out not feeling remorseful or hurt, I guess I'd expect this from a man who doesn't stay at home 24/7 right? I stayed up all night to search for the woman dad was in the call with.  In my findings I realised that this woman belonged to a brothel in town, but what would she have against my mother so much to snatch her husband if she's just a mere prostitute? I was also in the receiving end of her evil acts but I knew nothing. This whole scuffle with my parents had been affecting my school work because my GPA declined every semester and I was having many retakes. This was mainly because my once safe haven was no longer conducive for me to study. It was now characterised by high pitch screams as their arguments grew worse,harming my studies  in the process. I took an initiative,  I took my mother's phone and texted this woman's number making sure to warn her to stay away from mother's husband. That night I went to sleep content with myself knowing that atleast I have gotten rid of mom's problem. The next few days my father crawled back to his  hole again and the vacuum was now serene without him. I studied much better and mom's mood was recovering itself. On a Tuesday I went to the library to spend extra hours studying and researching since I had a retake coming up soon. I walked in and began covering my content, 45 mins later I looked out the window and saw it was about to rain so I had no choice but to return home before it did because I'd be trapped with no one to collect me. I quickened my motion as I went home to be met by our door all bloody. In terror I pushed the door  and met my mother's legs hanging mid sir from the roof rafters and blood dripping down her toes. I looked up and her face looked down at me lifeless and bruised. She had been bleeding from her genitals and I was so dumbstruck in shock. I gasped for air as dry tears fell on my cheeks and I picked up the note that was tied to her hand,

"Next time she'll learn to avoid being clingy onto a man who's for the streets, that's if she lives again, you don't text me and get away with it missy!
~ your daddy's mistress"

If only I has shut my mouth I would have avoided this. But no why did she kill my mother when clearly she was the one in the wrong and at fault for being my dad's sneaky link? A new foreign feeling took over my whole being and when my father came back from his dungeon I don't know what took me over. A sharp surge flooded my thoughts and the next moment I was breathing heavily as my hands trembled from gripping my dad's neck and strangling him to death. Forgetting my conscience I took his body and fed it poison that would ruin his internal organs. I fetched a bucket of soapy water mixed with detergent and washed his neck to scrub off my finger prints. Then i took the bottle of poison and put it in his haends as he began foaming in his mouth. I left the house and went to report my mother's murder as well as submitted the note so the prostitute could be caught. They went to my house and found both bodies of my parents,  according to the autopsy my father committed suicide and mom was murdered. It was a must for that prostitute to be brought into custody however the police began neglecting my mother's case. I inherited their properties but I still felt void and guilty thinking I caused my mom's death and that my father's punishment was too minor for him. I knew on a certain hour that I had to avenge my mother's death and every woman of Carnier Street was on the list so I was going to wipe them all off one by one. My first kill was horrible though. I had nightmares afterwards and was very much haunted but with time my heart grew stoney and I began killing for a lifestyle keeping in mind that my mother died in the hands of a woman from this town. I killed countless times and earned myself the name "The Blood Thirsty Killer". Those words I wrote on my victim's hand, "the thirst never dries out", I wrote them as a sign that my thirst for revenge would never get quenched by anything. All these women in their kinds had to die I don't care who remains in heart ache. That's just it, that's how Bonnington got me as it's nightmare right at Carnier Street. Now I had to solve up my new threat, Malfoy Malvik as soon as possible.


I have been stalking Malfoy for about a week now since his debut in Bonnington, Carnier Street. My aim was to devise a perfect plan to hit the man where it hurts most as a statement so he could hunt me down. Once he goes mad and blows a fuse looking for me I would know I had him where I wanted him and finish him off. In order for me to not look obvious, I followed him with different cars and sometimes by foot in different clothing wear. There was nothing giving for the whole week but on Friday I saw a woman kissing Malfoy passionately on the cheek,  wife I see. She was heavily pregnant, perfect trap, although she was not of Bonnington origin she had to join the trend so as to awaken my rival. I needed to make my attack caught on camera and done right at his home because the goal was to be found. I needed to break into Malfoy's home to plant cameras if there wasn't any. On Sunday I went and journeyed to the inspector's home yet again as they headed for church. The house was empty when I walked in, with the living room fully furnished with the couple's wedding photos. I made my way to the dining room and saw a red glow in the corner of it's wall, this means there must be cameras in the house. I kept surveying through the dining and suddenly a bunch of odd looking flowers from a vase across the room gave out a green twitch. I approached it and right above were a pair of cameras, great! What I wanted was there, I began trailing out of the house only to pass by a large photo of Malfoy and his wife, "too bad family time will be over soon because little miss lady here has to go," I said as I walked through. When I approached the door I turned back only to realise that my boots were muddy and had been leaving prints in the whole house. There was no time to clean it up, let them find the prints and wonder, all I know is that Bonnington is very far from being peaceful,  more especially Carnier Street.  My revenge,  my thirst was far from over and it'll take all their women and more to calm the fire in me....

Hey gummies😂😂❤️! Ti's a first taste of our killer and what goes on in their mind...the Killer looked at Trisha and said she had to go... what's in store for her??? Find out in the next chapter😂❤️ and as usual : READ,COMMENT, VOTE and SHARE🥺🥺❤️


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