Chapter One

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"Hey Amber wait up!"
Shit! Why, why, why oh why did he have to see me!
Turning my head slowly, shielding my eyes from the sun I squinted to see Charles speed walking towards me.
I slowed down for him to catch up with me. My limbs ached and I just really wanted to go home right now. Pulling my earphones out, I sighed .

Here we go ...

"Amber, where have you been? I've been raging the school like a lunatic trying to find you."
His words were breathy as he tried to slow his breathing. His hand on his hip and his green eyes piercing into mine, waiting for my response .
Not looking at him, I stuck one of my earbuds back in. Secretly wishing it would rain and I could find an excuse to leave and go snuggle up in my bed.

"I've been busy Charles." I kept walking. Seeing my white x6, I dragged my feet pass the other kids in the parking lot, all chatting away. Some went quiet as I walked pass them and I just knew I was being discussed once again. I wonder what was the subject of discussion this time. My hair? My boobs? My shoes?

"Could you send me a text at least?"
I put on a bored expression. I stopped Turning to face him, my body still aching and protesting for me to keep walking until I reached the car.

His eyebrows were slightly raised and he gave me a pointed look.
Why is he even here? I thought he had football practice?

"Does it matter?"
His smirk disappeared and was replaced by a grim line.
"Of course it does. Your my girl fri-"

I held up my hand cutting him off.
"I think we both know what I am to you, and I don't recall the word girlfriend ever being mentioned, so please if your done, I much rather get home before I pass out from this freaking heat"
I turned on my heels, pushing my earphones back into my ears and walked towards my car.
I just knew he was following me but I really didn't care. I just wanted to go home and pass out.

Charles was one of those guys. That think they're awesome but really aren't. That think every girl wants them and that they can bang any chick or teacher. We went out a couple times, I thought he was sweet but I really was just looking for a distraction.
A distraction from Him ...
Apparently it went too far and he mistook the few dates we went on for something real .
Just as I reached for the door, I felt a hand grip my shoulder. Gritting my teeth I turned around to look at him. He was really pissing me off at the moment.
I was just about to tell him to go fuck an elephant when I realized that the eyes I were staring into weren't green. But a steel Gray. My heart skipped a beat .


I froze. Trying to seem indifferent, failing miserably of course.
'Hi' I bit the side of my cheek praising God that I sounded at least half decent.

His eyes bore into mine, those stormy, gray eyes and a smirk formed on his face.

He reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into his arms, kissing me lightly on the forehead then resting his chin on my head.
I sighed, I already knew where this was headed but like all the other times, I couldn't bring myself to say no. He was just always that guy I made time for no matter what and always the one that I kept running back to.

I couldn't help it.
God help me but He's in my blood and he doesn't even know it.

Not so sure I know either.

"You okay?" He whispered softly against my ear. His breath fanned my skin and tingles tore through my tummy. I got lost in the smell of his cologne, he smelled damn awesome. His voice rumbled through his chest vibrating throughout my body. His arms snuggled tighter around my waist and once again I didn't care how many people's eyes were glued to us.
It was just me and him.

"Mmhm," I mumbled wrapping my hands around his waist.
"Are you?"
And just like that, I forgot everything that he ever did to me, all the shit I had to deal with and how many times we almost got together but he found a way to fuck it up. I forgot all about the harsh words and all the anger. I forgot that he was the reason I didn't date, that I didn't care anymore, only about him.

"I am now."
We stood like that hugging each other for another minute. I listened closely to his heart. It was beating hard as usual, he says that's how it always is and he doesn't know why so I know I wasn't the reason. He was definitely the reason for my hot, pulsating pulse and the zoo that was in my tummy.

I really didn't want to let go.


To my displeasure, he pulled away slowly. Only to pull my chin up with his finger . He stared into my eyes, smiling down at me making my breath hitch.
"I have to tell you something."

Oh God .
My heart beat accelerated.

My hands remained fixed on his waist, while his still pressed firmly into my back keeping us together and during that short time, I managed to overthink all the possible things he could be prepared to say.

Did he want me?
Did he hate me?
Does my hair look funny?

As if reading my mind, he chuckled,
"Always overthinking." He held my cheek, smiling down at me.

I flushed, amazed at how well he knew me. I giggled.
"Just tell me."
He smiled .
"Your nose is huge."


I slapped his arm. He backed away holding it Chuckling awake.
"Shut Up Hunter. Your nose is like the fucking size of Africa."
He stopped laughing and only smirked at me.
Damn that smirk.

I turned around. Definitely sure I was as red as a tomato. I walked around to my car door and opened it.
Suddenly, his hand shot out pushing against it closing it with a loud thud. No sooner had the door closed than he was pushing me against it. His hands finding my waist once again and pulling me flush against him. His eyes captured mine before he pressed his lips to mine making me stretch on my toes to meet him.
My hand slid up his neck to his hair and pulled it softly.
A low growl emitted from his throat making me moan in response.
He bit my bottom lip gently, tugging on it making me ache and stretch for him even more. My breath quickened and my heart beat once again accelerated, the tingles that tore through my body made me weak. I dragged in a breath as my clutch on his hair tightened and my mouth opened almost instantly to receive his tongue. His arms squeezed my waist as our tongues mingled together giving off the most exhilarating feeling making me want to just jump in his arms and make him take me to bed. Strip me bare and fuck me.

Such nasty thoughts Amber.
Tsk tsk tsk.

His lips were firm and demanding as usual, but still slightly soft. His hold on my wist tightened as he pulled us closer.
Giving my lip one last tug, he pulled away.
We were both breathing hard. He ran his fingers up my arm and ran them against my neck. He ran them from my neck down to my chest, slowly dragging them along teasing me, making my skin leap to fire under his touch. My mouth parted slightly and my eyes drifted close.

Damn him.
He knew I loved that.

He leaned over, running his cheek against mine burying his face in the crook of my neck inhaling.
His finger went lower as he ran them along the swells of my breast that were peaking above my t-shirt. He slowly dipped it between both of them, but just as I moaned and my breath quickened, he traced his fingers back up to my neck and started the frustratingly sweet process all over again.
I let out a frustrated groan and I felt him smile against my neck.

As if someone hit me with a rock, I suddenly remembered we were in the parking lot at school. Even though nobody could really see us i was still uncomfortable making out in the school parking lot.
I pulled away, my breathing still uneven.
His eyebrows knitted together as a confused look sprawled unto his handsome features. His hands never leaving my waist.
"Um, we can't do this here."
My hands were still on his waist, as if I would die if I let him go.
He nodded his head slowly, uncurling his hands from around me making me forced to do the same.
"Where are you going?"
He said once again in a serious tone. I hated when he was like that. Always demanding and serious.
"I was headed home," leaned back against the door of my car folding my hands, trying to refrain from touching him. "Why?"
He stared at me a minute before answering. "Get in your car. Follow me."
And with that said he spun around and strolled across the parking lot into the crowd of college students.

Four words.
I wasn't going home.

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