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Jess and Connie got ready at Connie's flat
"You're wearing that?" Jess asked
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Connie asked looking down at her outfit
"Babe I know you don't go out often but you can't wear brown cords and a white shirt" Jess said
"Hey! I'm comfortable" Connie said Hurt
"But are you sexy?" Jess asked
"I don't need to be sexy! I'm not going to impress anyone"
"You never know, you should always dress to impress! Now let's look at your wardrobe and find something else shall we?" Jess said dragging Connie to her bedroom
"What about this?" Connie lifted a floral dress
"Nope, too floral looks like my nans old nighty" Jess said. Connie rolled her eyes.
"This?" Connie said hanging a brown maxi dress to her front
"Too plain and oh my god too brown" Jess said "now thisssss! This is what I'm talking about!" Jess said lifting a black dress
"I can't wear that!" Connie said "look at the slit in the leg, where has that even come from?!"
"It's sexy and your chest is covered so you don't need to worry about the girls, I personally think it's very sophisticated, now go change!" Jess aid chucking the dress at her
"Ok, ok" Connie said walking away
"Argh this girl will be the death of me!" Jess collapsed onto the bed.
5 minutes later Connie appeared all dressed

"Well?" She said taking a slink"Since when did you have a tattoo on your thigh? You sexy minx" Jess said looking closer "There's more to me than meets the eye!" Connie winked "Clearly there is

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"Well?" She said taking a slink
"Since when did you have a tattoo on your thigh? You sexy minx" Jess said looking closer
"There's more to me than meets the eye!" Connie winked
"Clearly there is. Now! See that dress is already making you talk sexier" Jess laughed
"Ok ok I look good. You happy?" Connie asked
"Oh definitely, we can go now".

The girls made their way into the city centre. Adam had told them to meet them at Prix Fix in Soho which just happened to be one of Connie's favourite restaurants in London.
"Hey girls" Adam said waving as they approached
"Hi Adam, thank you so much for inviting us" Connie said hugging him
"Of course! It's really good to see you Con, and you must be jess? Sorry I didn't introduce myself at the premiere it was pretty crazy that night." Adam said
"No worries, I was playing bodyguard for this one anyway" jess said pointing at Connie
"Hey!" She slapped her playfully.
"My friends are already inside, follow me" Adam said walking in the restaurant
"Hey everyone, this is Jess and Connie"
"Hi" everyone said in unison.
The girls sat down on the far side of the table and ordered their drinks, and then after a while they ordered their meals. Connie being the seafood fanatic she is orders the mussels with a side of chips.

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