There Once Was A Girl

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There once was a girl

Who wore her hair in curls

Her smile so bright

It acted like sunlight.

Then one gloomy day

Her grandmother passed away

And left her behind

Which was quiet unkind

In the eyes of a child

Who behavior was mild

Until that horrid hour

When her family left her mood sour

With a feeling of disgust

No longer able to trust

The ones she held close.

She wanted a dose

Of "Forget It All" potion

To erase the image of the lotion

Sitting on the counter top

While her clothes she did drop

To the tile floor

Right next to the door.

And in the mirror crack

A hazel blue eye stared back

At her naked body ,

The act so ungodly.

She knew it was wrong

And sure did long

For the day it would end

And she would just spend

Her summer as a tween

Free of her family's unclean

But it never did happen

And all of her passion

Did go down the drain

And she started to complain

To the voices at night

Of all of her plight.

They did listen

And the semen never did glisten

Which brought her joy

But left her as a toy.

He is still around,

Not in the ground

Like she had wished

Every time he fished

For a quick touch

Which became his crutch

And escalated to a warm wet

That he said to never sweat

As it was a primal act

So she never did seem cracked.

But he didn't know

That two years so slow

Would leave her a mess

Riddled with stress. 

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