Part 8: Gillian Doesn't Have A Tail

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Gillian's tiny, red mini pulls up to Gran's house.

Mayor Beaufort and Ysolde are standing outside the front door waving. I look at Gillian expecting her to ignore them because they only exist in my grieving, concussed mind, but she does not ignore them. To my surprise, she smiles brightly and waves back at them while I carefully open the car door.

"How's the ticker, Beaufort," she calls from the open door of the mini. Beaufort gives her a double thumbs-up in answer and smiles. Gillian lifts an eyebrow, giving me a look, "are you getting in or what?" I nod and climb into the car and of course, I bump my head.

Wincing, I turn to my bestie as we drive away. "What the heck, Gilly?!"

"I'm sorry, Holls. I couldn't tell you. Gag order," she shrugs but looks guilty enough for me to immediately forgive her. Actually, I wasn't even mad, to begin with. I can't stay angry with Gillian for more than a second. Not even that one time when she jump scared me in the bathroom and I stepped in the toilet.

"What do you mean? Gag order?"

"It's a spell. It helps with secrecy, stops the human population from blabbing accidentally or on purpose," she explains a whole lot of nothing.

"What happens when you want to tell someone?" I frown. "It doesn't hurt you, does it?"

"Nothing like that. Basically, we just forget what we were about to say and start talking about the weather instead," she chuckles. "And have a sudden intense craving for Brussels sprouts."

"Well, darn! That explains why some people here are so obsessed with telling me about the weather," I scratch my head. "The Brussels sprout thing sounds gross but not too bad... Hey, you said human! So, you're human? You don't have a tail or eat worms?"

Gillian laughs for a full minute before she replies. "No, Holls. I don't have a tail. No scales, no wings or feathers. I don't eat worms either. It's gross and I don't know how Ysolde enjoys eating bugs."

"So, you know Ysolde and the Mayor well?" I ask.

"Well, I've known Beaufort since I moved here 6 years ago. I only met Ysolde a few months ago."

My curiosity is driving me to push forward. "Were they human-like... or... when-"

My brain feels heavy and tired all of a sudden and Gillian gives me a concerned look. It's a long walk to Gran's cottage but a very short drive and in no time at all, she's pulling her mini into a narrow ally behind the clinic.

"Let's check up on Belle and then I'll tell you how I found out over some coffee. You up for that?"

"Make it a hot chocolate," I nod.

"It's five o'clock in the afternoon, you weirdo," she says, shaking her head.

"Concussed people need chocolate," I grin.

"Fine, I'll make you your hot chocolate then."

We check up on Belle and she seems to be mending well, so, Gillian informs her that she can go home tomorrow.

"See, Belle. That's good, right?" I tell the bird.

"You know Belle and Caleb live in your Gran's cottage, right?"

"Oh?! That's really bad. Belle never shuts up."

"Shut up, Belle!" Belle agrees.

Gillian shrugs, "you have all my sympathy."

I make my way into Gillian's spacious and colourful office and after about 10 to 15 minutes, she enters it too, carrying a tray with mugs of steaming chocolatey goodness which she puts down on a low coffee table.

"Where do I start? Well..." She thinks it over, plopping down on one of the bean bags that litter her office. "I've lived here for over three years when I found out about Upside-Down falls. Yeah, I noticed some strange things before then but I always shrugged it off. It's part of the spell, I think. One day, I was helping Dr Paul Stitcher with some redecorating... okay, I was actually having a chat with the receptionist, Dean..."

"Dean," I make a funny face at her, and she blushes.

"He has nice biceps. So, I was chatting Dean up when I knocked over a bunch of files. Medical documents went flying all over the place. We were on a mission to pick all of them up and sort them out when your Gran and Beaufort came in. Beaufort was leaning against Hazel; he didn't look well at all.

"As soon as they walked in, Beaufort collapsed, and Dean ran to fetch Paul. It was obvious that there was something wrong with his heart and I insisted that we make a call to one of the bigger towns, I can't even remember which one, but Hazel was shaking her head frantically.

"Paul came running in and he and Dean carried him into an examining room. Paul got his stethoscope out, examined Beaufort and just nodded his head. Then he told Hazel that Beaufort needed to 'change' as soon as possible. All the while I was prattling on about ambulances and such, not even noticing the ferret up until then. It gave my hand a sympathetic pat and I was stunned into silence.

"Your Gran, Hazel, nodded solemnly and taking hands, they gathered in a circle around Beaufort. It was the weirdest thing that I've seen in a long time... and I've seen stuff! Two people and a ferret holding hands or... paws...? Anyway, I became aware of a buzzing sound, like the thrum of electricity and a stunning light started to radiate from them as they began to hum. The sound was making me sleepy.

"After some time, I don't know how long, the buzzing, humming and light were gone. On the bed, instead of the mayor, was a dazed-looking badger. I must have fainted or fallen asleep because I woke up the next morning in a hospital bed with a note from Beaufort on the bedside table. He requested a meeting, ever so formal. And that is how I found out."

I'm sure that my mouth is hanging open and I close it with an audible snap. Ouch.

"So, are we going to the tavern for a beer or what?" Gillian smiles like she didn't just tell me the strangest story next to the one Beaufort told me earlier. I'm tired and feel like I could sleep for a few weeks but...

"Yeah, I believe I will actually have a few with you this time."

We finish our hot chocolate which has since turned into cold chocolate, and head for the door. As we leave, I can hear Belle kicking up a racket in the recovery area.

Find out what happens in the next chapter: Naked Guy in a Hedge.

Find out what happens in the next chapter: Naked Guy in a Hedge

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