Chap.#2~ at the hospital.

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*After the girls ate, on the way to the rooftop*
*Your mom opens the door and sees you asleep on one of the benches.*
Y/M: please be quiet she's asleep.
*The girls nod and looked around except for Mina that she kept her eyes on you*
Y/M: *stands next to Mina and whispered* you don't even recognize your auntie, huh mimi.
Mina: *she widens her eyes when she realized that she was her mom's "best friend" because she got called by that nickname* auntie Y/M/n!!!! *Your Mom smiled at her* how didn't I recognize you!? Wait *she looks at you that's knocked out on the bench* that's Y/n ,   Y/n?! *Your mom nod's and Mina's jaw dropped* Y/n looks so different from the last time I saw her at the graduation.
Y/M: Y/n is a different woman now, but she puts a lot of pressure on her self. *Your mom said that while she looks at you*
Mina: I can tell, she's frowning in her sleep. *she walks up to you and putted her hand on your forehead. It was hot* auntie Y/M/n she has a fever.
Y/M: she is!! *She says feeling your face*
Y/n: *you slowly open your eyes and sit up* Mom why are you up here aren't you supposed to be down stairs helping Dad? And why are they up here?
Y/M: Y/n your sick. And they were asking about you and wanted to see the view from up here. And your Dad has putted the close sigh up.
Y/n: Mom I'm fine, you don't have to worry about anything.
Mina: No you aren't stop covering up. Y/n why are you trying to hide the fact that you're sick when you clearly have a fever. As your middle school and high school best friend I know everything about you. And you can't hide anything from me.
Y/n: *that's when you recognized her* Mimi? *She nods* you idiot you don't know how much I worried about you?! After we graduated you didn't contact me anymore and I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore.
Mina: I'm sorry my phone broke and I couldn't retrieve my old contacts.*she lied* *You suddenly feel dizzy* Y/n are you ok? *You faint and your head fell on Mina's chest* Y/n? Y/n!!!! *Y/m ran to get your dad* Jihyo yah call an ambulance!!!! *Jihyo called an ambulance*
At the hospital
*The other twice members left to the dorms but Mina stayed with your parents* *the doctor comes up to your parents*
Doctor: are you guys Uchinaga Y/n's parents?
Y/D: yes we are.
Doctor: your daughter overworked herself, and that was the cause of her getting a fever and passing out. *Your parents were "heartbroken" by hearing that* You're daughter is taking an IV to stabilize her body, once she leaves the hospital she needs rest.
Mina: can we see her?  *The doctor nodded and guided them to where you were.* *She opens the door and sees you asleep. She goes to you and look at you* *she starts to tear up and left the room* I didn't contact you because I was trying to hide my feelings from you dummy and seeing you like that hurts me.
Y/n: *you slowly wake up* Mimi where are you? *You sit up and look around* after all it was another illusions of mine. *You say as you start to tear up*
Y/m: hey it's not an illusion she's here , she's right outside of the room.
Y/n: Mom don't get me excited for nothing I want to hug her for real and drop your fucking act. *Your parents glare at you* *Suddenly the door opens and you see Mina* *you rub your eyes to check if you were hallucinating or not* Mimi?!!
Mina: *she sees you awake and hurries to hug you* you scared me, you idiot.
*You hug her back and you start to cry*
Y/n: you don't know how much I missed you. *You and Mina started to crying silently* *your parents left the room*
Mina: I missed you too, you don't know how much I really missed you and your corny lines.
Y/n: *you giggle* friendly reminder that part of me will never change. *You and Mina broke the hug and wiped away your tears* for a minute I thought I was hallucinating you know that.
Mina: *she giggled* well who would've thought that we were going to meet each other today?
Y/n: the girls that were with you at the restaurant, were they're your group members?
Mina: yeah. They were crushing on you the whole time that you were atending us.
Y/n: well I can't seem to stop being attractive to woman like when we were in school unlike someone that atracks more men than woman. *Mina glares at you* What? I'm just stating the truth, I was the famous tomboy and you the famous elegant woman, in and out school. Since we always hanged out everyone would - *you got cut off by Mina kissing you and a second later you kissed her back*
Mina: *1 minute later she broke the kiss*  I like you, I have always had feelings for you since we first met, it hurted me when I lost contact with you after we graduated highschool. It's ok if you don't feel the same I just wanted to let it out.
Y/n: *you kiss her again* I have liked you too for a pretty looong time. So don't get so down *you grab Mina's hand* now the real question is will you be my girlfriend?
Mina: *she smiles* of course I would dummy.
*The doctor enters*
Doctor: Miss Uchinaga we need to have a talk with you.
Mina: is there a problem?
Doctor: Miss Uchinaga's parents can't pay the full hospital fee.
Y/n: How much is left to finish the bill?
Doctor: $100
Y/n: eh??!!! *You take your phone out* do you accept digital payments? *He shakes his head as an no* I left my purse at my apartment.
Mina: do you accept debit or credit card's? *He nods his head* I'll pay it. *You look at Mina in shock*
Doctor: then come to the front desk *he says before leaving*
Y/n: give me you're number so I can send it to you.
Mina: hey don't worry about it either way you can pay me back by pampering me with kisses and hugs.*she said before giving you a peck on the lips before leaving*
Y/n: *you smile at her* yes ma'am!! *You say as you do a salute to mess with her*
*Mina shakes her head and left to pay*
*Mina gets a call from Sana*
Mina: Moshi mosh.
Sana: How is she?
Mina: she's fine it's just that she overworked herself which caused her to have a high fever and faint. Give me a sec *She stands in the front desk* Hi I'm here to pay the rest of the hospital bill of Uchinaga Y/n in room *** .
Secretary: what tipe of payment?
Mina: credit card.
Secretary: Alright, can you give me your credit card and id please? *Mina hands her the credit card and looks for her id in her wallet. Mina give the secretary her id* Alright, here is your id and credit card. Please place your pin here.*she gives Mina's id and credit card back. And Mina puts her pin on the pin pad* all done once the doctor says that you can go home you don't have to worry about anything.
Mina: thank you. *Mina puts her phone back in her ear while walking to your room* sorry about that.
Sana: Mina why did you pay her hospital bill?
Mina: oh right I forgot!!
Sana: What do you mean by that?
Mina: Well Y/n and I were friends in highschool but we lost our form of communication after graduating highschool. And we both have crushes on each other and now we're together.
Sana: and not me being me saying that she's pretty and hot infront of you.
Mina: it's fine we just made it official a few minutes ago. So don't feel guilty but she's mine now so you can't take her from me. I'll be at the dorms in a few.
Sana: ok I'll tell Jihyo. Be careful.
Mina: I will, bye!! *Hangs up* *she was about to open the door when she heard that you're parents were inside*
*The nurse already took off your IV and you had your clothes on*
(This is what your wearing)

Y/D: Y/n use Mina for her money so we can get a bigger restaurant!! *Mina was shocked about what you're Dad said*Y/n: What are you saying?!! Use her?!!!! Never!!! Take all the money that you want from me but not a single penny from her!!! What's w...

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Y/D: Y/n use Mina for her money so we can get a bigger restaurant!! *Mina was shocked about what you're Dad said*
Y/n: What are you saying?!! Use her?!!!! Never!!! Take all the money that you want from me but not a single penny from her!!! What's wrong with you guys?!! Trying to use someone for money is wrong!!!
Y/M: She's right honey, we should ask Mina directly.
Y/n: * You stand up quickly and grabbed you parents by they're wrists to stop them from leaving* Your not asking for anything from her you hear me!!
Y/D: *he pushed you to the floor* let go of me, you made us pay $150 dollar from our money that was to buy supplies for the restaurant.
Y/n: ah! Aish!! *Mina enters the room* Mina go!! Leave or you will get hurt!! *You say as you block your parents from Mina* please leave her alone I'm beginning you *you say to your parents*
Y/D: get out of the way brat!! Before I throw you to the floor again!!
*Mina get a message from her manager that she's here*
Mina: *she grabs your wrists and opens the door and starts running with you* your coming with me. No matter what.
*The two of you are in the front of the hospital and see a van parked in front of you two*
Twice manager: Mina it's open. *With that Mina opens the door makes you go in first and then herself*
Mina: start the van straight to the dorms. *With that you guys went straight to the dorms* *you three arrived at the dorm* thank you sadness unnie. Come on babe let's go inside.
Y/n: Mimi I'm really sorry about my parents. *you start to tear up*
Mina: let's go inside it's a little dangerous for me to be out here. *You nodded*

Next chapter!!!

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