Chapter 8

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The door swings open and I'm greeted by the comforting smile of the tall ginger boy I'd come to speak to, finally, after avoiding him almost all day.

"Hello Y/N. Are you looking for someone else or do I finally get to be spoken to?" Ron said mildly passive-aggressively.

"I'm here to talk to you." I walked past him in the doorway and sat myself down on his bed.

"Why'd you been basically ignoring me all day?" He sat down next to me and frowned.

"Well, I'm pissed off at you," I said bluntly. "I think I want to break up with Neville."

"Wait what why?" He was shocked.

"Why for which one?" I questioned, as I stretched myself out in Ron's bed, laying down casually.

"Uhh, both?" He watched my actions and furrowed his brow.

"It doesn't matter. It's irrelevant." I replied.

"For which one?!" He rolled his eyes, laying down on his side next to me, facing me. We were both laying only less than a foot away from each other.

"Both..." I sighed and tried to hold back a smile.

"I think I should at least get to know what I did wrong?" Ron looked at me longingly.

"You kissed Hermione." I frowned at him, feeling genuinely angry over the fact. Ron was taken aback.

"And...w-why does that bother you?" He looked flabbergasted.

"Well because! Just, like, we're a group, you guys having something going on will ruin our friend group dynamic." I reached for any reason besides the truth. 

"WE DO NOT HAVE A THING! It was just a kiss for truth or dare you KNOW me and Hermione do not have a thing, have never had a thing, and never WILL have a thing, I've never even had a thing with anyone that was my first kiss and it was not like that. So don't get your feathers ruffled." He seemed desperate to assure me.

"You still kissed her." I couldn't help but physically look very upset.

"Why do you care?!" Ron shouted.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" I yelled, getting up. "I need to go talk to Neville. Goodbye."

Ron didn't say anything, he just looked at me. I went to the door and opened it, turning back at Ron because I kind of didn't want to leave until he said something.

"Will you come back after?" He finally said.

I looked at him, and this moment felt intense. I really really did have feelings for Ron. No matter how much I tried to suppress them, I couldn't. He gives me butterflies. I love looking at him. I could stare at him for hours, he was perfect to me. I just looked at him for about a whole minute, neither of us saying anything. Then I finally left the room, closing the door behind me.

I found Neville sitting in the common room. I really wanted to get this over with, I felt awful. I don't want to hurt his feelings.

"Oh hi there y/n. How are you?" Neville said to me.

"Neville we need to talk." I sat down next to him.

"What's up." He questioned.

"I think we need to break up." I got straight to the point.

"Oh. I respect your decision. I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong." He looked sad.

"You didn't do anything wrong Neville I promise! I really like you. But I'm just...I'm sorry Neville. I have feelings for someone else, and I have for a really long time, I just tried to tell myself I didn't. I'm so sorry." I frowned.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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