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Sage strutted down the street, Beau's leash wrapped in one hand, her headphones in the other. She slipped her headphones on, blasting her favorite song at full volume.

She was so happy to be back home, even the air felt different on her skin. She took a turn down a main road, and saw the local restaurant that always had people spilling out the sides.

She walked passed, planning on stopping for some food on her way back. She felt a large hand grab her wrist, and she turned around with a scream.

Rafe held his hands up in defense, and Sage groaned, pulling her headphones off of her head.

"What the hell, Rafe?" Sage snapped.

"I'm sorry, I called out your name, and you didn't respond." Rafe said, and Sage sighed. Beau wagged his tail at the sight of Rafe, jumping up on him with his tongue out. "Hey buddy." Rafe smiled, petting the top of his head.

"Did you need something?" Sage asked, and Rafe nodded.

"I was just hoping we could... talk. I don't know." Rafe said, running a nervous hand through his hair.

"About?" Sage asked, and Rafe gave her a look.

"You know what, Sage. Just like fifteen minutes, I need to talk to you." Rafe said, and Sage sighed. "Please." Rafe added, and Sage nodded.

"Let's go to the docks." Sage said, and Rafe nodded. The two walked silently towards the docks, Sage's mind running a million miles a minute.

She did know what he wanted to talk about, but she had no clue what she was going to say. Every time she had thought about this moment, she found herself getting upset.

The two had made it to the docks, and Sage sat down at the end, her feet hanging off. Beau laid behind her, and Rafe sat down, looking over at her. He waited a few seconds, seeing if she would talk first, but she didn't.

"Have you been doing all right since you came back?" Rafe asked, and Sage nodded.

"Yeah." Sage explained, and Rafe nodded. "How have you been?" Sage asked, and Rafe shrugged.

"Fine, I guess. I'm staying at Tannyhill by myself, my dad wanted me to sell it, but I... I kind of like being away from him. I feel like I finally have something of my own." Rafe explained, and Sage nodded.

"Yeah, I get it. It's like you finally feel independent." Sage said, and Rafe nodded.

"Yeah. Like I don't have to walk on eggshells all the time cause he's just watching my every move, waiting for me to mess up." Rafe said.

"Have you thought about just cutting him off? It's not like he was all that great to you." Sage said, instantly regretting her choice of words. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bash him." Sage apologized, and Rafe shook his head.

"No you're right, I just- I don't have anyone else. And you know how I feel about being alone." Rafe said, and Sage looked out at the water.

She did know how he felt about being alone, it was the same way she felt about it. Fear.

Being alone meant that you weren't ever good enough for anyone to stick around.

"I know, but maybe you'd find people. Make them your new family, in a sense." Sage said.

"Maybe." Rafe said. Sage could tell he didn't want to talk about his father anymore, so she changed the subject.

"Jacob sold the apartment, so we're living on the boat now." Sage said, and Rafe looked at her.

"I'm sorry I took you away from him." Rafe apologized, and Sage looked down at her hands in her lap. "I never meant to hurt you, I... I thought I was doing the right thing." Rafe said.

"Rafe, we were so toxic together. I don't think we're good for one another." Sage whispered. Rafe nodded, looking out at the water with a disappointed look.

This wasn't how he thought the conversation was going to go.

"I just miss you a lot." Rafe said, and Sage sighed.

"Trust me, I miss you too, but I- I need to put me first now. Not you." Sage said.

"You're just the only person that keeps me sane." Rafe explained.

"That's the problem. I can't be the only reason you want to change. You have to do it for yourself." Sage said.

"Is that such a bad thing? That I want to be better for you? Without you I'm nothing." Rafe said, and Sage placed her head in her hands.

"Rafe, do you understand how much pressure that is for me? To walk around behind you cleaning up your messes because you can't?" Sage asked, and Rafe ran a hand over his face.

"I know, I know. I- you were making me good. You took me to therapy, you told me when I was doing things wrong..." Rafe trailed off.

"I think I've taught you all I could, Rafe. Now you need to take what I've taught you, and figure things out, for you." Sage said. "Look, I just need time to think. I've been on a island for a month, and I'm just getting things back to normal." Sage said, and Rafe nodded.

"I understand. Just- I'll be here whenever you're ready. I love you." Rafe smiled, touching her hand.

Sage gave his hand a small squeeze, before Rafe stood up, leaving Sage alone at the dock. She sighed, and Beau stood offering her his paw. She smiled, taking it in hers.

"What do you think I should do, Beau?" Sage asked jokingly, and Beau barked. She let out a laugh, "if only I spoke dog."



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